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Time passes slowly and I carry on as best as I can, engaging my self to numerous mercenary bands, trying to keep coin in my purse, but they never last long. There simply aren't enough battles to keep them in the region and I'm not interested in moving away.

What's more, I am becoming more and more aware of a startling revelation. My belly is growing and I can feel something wriggling inside me. Am I pregnant? Could it be possible? Had the lie I told Leon, actually been true?

I couldn't believe it! I was with child! What's more, this was not only my child, but Leon's as well. It's as though a part of him has been resurrected from the grave. He will live on in our child. I couldn't have been happier, but with the happiness come a bitter realization.

I am a mercenary and make barely enough money to keep myself properly contented. Most bands feed and house you so they don't have to pay you much. And though that's good enough for me, it will not be enough for a child as well.

I'm going to have to find some other employment, but what else can I do? I have no other skills. It's a hard decision to make, but for my child's future, I leave the mercenary life and hire my services out to a private estate.

It means guard duty and I hate guard duty. Fortunately, it's a small estate, as estates go and is only used by the family as a retreat. A quiet place, and I'm utilized as little more than a deterrent. And it is thanks to the lack of action that I find little difficulty in hiding my condition.

I quickly rise in the ranks, but it's not because of my skill, which is years ahead of most of the other guards. It's because the captain of the guard fancies me. It's a gambit he holds me to, when he demands his advances be returned. I don't even give it a second thought.

He places his hand on my chest and leans in for a kiss. I kiss him with my fist, bloodying his lip. He gets angry and swings at me. I move my head slightly and he breaks his hand on the wall behind me. He doubles over as he cradles his damaged wrist and I plant my boot squarely into his midsection, sending him down into the mud.

I look down at the man wallowing in the mire, as laughter and a cheer rises from the assembled mass that had been drawn by the altercation. It seems I am not the only one who doesn't care for our superior.

The captain gets to his feet and fires me, while keeping his distance. I'm more than happy to leave, but I don't get far.

The lady of the house had been nearby and was privy to the dispute. She draws me aside and we sit down in a secluded place where we can speak in private. It seems she liked how I conducted myself and didn't care for how I was being treated. Then she asks about my baby.

It seems I was not as clever as I had believed, but it doesn't seem to bother her, neither my condition, nor my deception. She makes me her personal escort, which puts me outside of the captain's command. A matter he doesn't much care for, but has no say in the affair.

I spend my days looking after my lady, who's name is Sylvia, and being taken care of by her. We often sit for tea, during which time we converse at length.

She asks me the pertinent questions: Did I have a family? I tell her I was raised an orphan. Did I know who the father of my baby was? I let her in on the truth, I did, but he's dead. Had I any plans for my child? I tell her I hadn't thought that far ahead. Then she proposes a proposition.

They have a cook, Sandy, who is advanced in years. She has many a child, but they're all grown up and she desires a baby to take care of. Therefore, if I would renounce all claim to the babe, she will present the child to her as a foundling and in turn the child will be given all the benefits of the woman's position.

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