Chapter 11 True Self

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A/N:"Ok this take week and a half in the mouth before the fight between Jaune and Cardin, and also I want Yuji to be in his Faunus self so today is that day p.s. this is my Character. And welcome back everyone!!! And  ow that's all away. LET'S... GET... THE... READING... BEGIN!!!!
                         Yuji p.o.v.

I was walking down the courtyard on a Saturday afternoon, and I was thinking about the night I where I mentioned Ruby, and the person who shoots fire. And I am reacking my brain to figure out who's that person on the Bullhead.

Yuji (mind):"Come on Yuji remember... You have meat people who you are on bad trims with, when you're on the streets. Come on remember... This person who can use fire... But the only person who can control fire is*eyes widened*... No it can't be-ah"

I then bump in too someone that I didn't care at all because I was lost in thalt, but when I lookup I was not happy because it was Cardin.

Cardin:"Huh?*turn head to face Yuji*oh it's you. The cheat."


Cardin:"You cheat, I'm talking to you.*crossing arms*"

Yuji:"How I'm a cheat?"

He then turn around laughing, then he put his hands on his sides and still have this cocky look.

Cardin:"The word around Beacon is that you didn't get in here like us... Because your father just let you in because he's the headmaster. And your his son."

Yuji:"That's not what happened.*hint of anger*"

Cardin:"Don't hide it, there's no one here, so tell me the truth, Ice boy."

I clutch my hands at this, when I heard that some people think I got into Beacon because my father is Ozpin and I had to hear it from him.

Yuji:"Ok one thing Cardin and you can tell anyone who thinks this, I didn't get in here because my father is Ozpin, ok. I got in with hard work and training. Training that I did non-stop for hours on end. Maybe more than you."

Cardin:"Nice to know, but it doesn't mean I believe you. And I don't care you trained more, your still a cheat."

He then shuv me to the side and walk away, I was going to do something but I was stop by someone calling my name.



I turn around to see my friend, Ruby. Run towards me with a big smile, and she stop next to me.

Ruby:"Hi Yuji."

Yuji:"Hi Ruby."

Ruby:"Um, are you okay?"

Yuji:"Yeah, why?"

Ruby:"Because of the ice around your right hand."

I then look at my right hand to see it covered in ice so I thawed my hand to normal.

Yuji:"Oh that... It just um, someone got on my nerves that's all. Nothing to worry about."


Yuji:"It nothing to worry about Ruby. If it is serious I will tell you, ok?"

Ruby:"Ok. So what are you doing before that."

Yuji:"I was just walking  that's all. Do you like to walk with me?"


I laughed when she did this, then we started to walk down the courtyard, as we are walking and talking, l keep seeing Ruby looking at my head so I stop walking in front of Beacon she ask me a question.

RWBY VOL 1:Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji IshimuraWhere stories live. Discover now