Chapter 14 Forever Fall Forest

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A/N:"Welcome back everyone to another Chapter. And LET'S... GET ... THE... READING... STRATED!!"
Yuji p.o.v.

My head was hurting after I got a whole lot of leturing from Weiss. I was on my way towards to my dorm, when I reach to the corner I saw Jaune him at his dorm door, so I hide behind the corner.

3erd p.o.v.

Jaune was at his dorm and saw his teammates talking to each other, Pyrrha was looking outside of the window, when Nora is jumping on her bed, and Ren is cleaning he's weapons.

Nora:"How come Jaune gets home so late?"

Ren:"He comes rather scarce ever seen he has Benny pheratnesing by Cardin."

Nora:"That's wired... Doesn't he know we have a feeling trip tomorrow we need our*flips in the air and lay in bed*rest!"

Pyrrha:"I'm sure that our leader know exactly what he's doing."

Nora and Ren look at each other worried.

Nora:"Mmm... I gest so."

Jaune then closes the door of his dorm.
Yuji p.o.v.

Ruby:"Hi Jaune!"

Jaune turn around in shocked to see Ruby behind as I stay hiding.

Ruby:"Long time no see... Did you lock you self out again?"

Jaune:"Oh-huh. Nope heh heh got it.*hold a key*"

Ruby:"So, where have you been lately."

I was wondering the same thing seenec we came back when the sun was setting down. And I haven't seen him untill know.

Jaune:"I hu... I meat up, I did something I shouldn't have. Now Cardin got me on a leash, now Pyrrha want talk to me... I think coming to this school isn't such a good idea."

Jaune then lean to his door and fall to the ground.

Yuji:"what leash?"



Ruby:"Nope. Your a leader now Jaune your not allowed to be a failure."

Jaune:"But... What if I'm a failure at being a leader?"


I chuckled at what Ruby is saying to Jaune.

Jaune:"Heh heh, you know your not easyest person to talk to about this kind of stuff."

Ruby sat next to Jaune.

Ruby:"Nope. Jaune maybe your a failure you were a kid, you might have been a failure in the Feist day we mentioned.*Jaune slouch more and more* but you can't be one now, you know why?"

As she telling Jaune how he is a failure, I kind of agreed to it.

Jaune:"Uuuuuu because?"

Ruby:"Because its not about you anymore, you got a team now Jaune, we both do, we failed them we'll just bring them down with us. We had to put our Teammates first and our self second*she then got up on her feet* your team deserves a great leader Jaune... And I think it can be you,*opens door*Have a good night Jaune."

As I saw Ruby go in to her dorm I was shocked of her words of wisdom that came from her.

Yuji:"*smile*Didn't know she had it in her to say it."

RWBY VOL 1:Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji IshimuraWhere stories live. Discover now