Chapter 26: Anger

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What Lay's below

Fractured Code

Chapter 26


Danny watched her daughter sit back down slowly. The boy who sat in the small armchair in front of the fireplace looked down at his lap.

"Mind you I was a boy then. About 10 years old when I saw them switch on Danny. She was so kind back then. I saw my Aunt and mother disagree on tons of things. You was my Aunt Angela who killed my mother and recreated her as an evil thing that wanted no more then to kill everything and study it."

"Yeah I got that impression alright." Zareth said rubbing his hand where the scars still remained from where Spencer felt around under his skin. The boy nodded his head.

"You must be Zareth? Danny has spoken of you very much along with Ms. Inky, Zane, and her husband Dareth. You all seem to be very kind to her. Love her very much." Zareth held out his hand to shake the boys. "My name is Roy Spencer I am the eleme..."

"Another elemental master of melding."

"Yes...I am after all The great grandson of your daughter Angela."

"My...great...great grandson?"

"I am." Roy smiled standing up putting his empty cup onto a tray. Zareth smiled at a Clarinet on the other side of the chair.

"Do you play?" He asked. Roy shook his head.

"No I found it when a dead body on my way up here. The wallet had the word Reed on it. So I suppose it belonged to him. Zareth gasped and looked at Danny.

"Reed...he was one of my incarnations." He smiled picking it up running it over his fingers.

"Does it belong to you?" Roy asked.

"Once upon a time." He smiled almost lovingly at the device.

'I can play.' Dareth said with deep fascination for the instrument.

' you can't...' Zane mumbled.


'Nothing...' Zane said.

Zareth put the instrument up to his mouth and he began to play a strange song he had no idea where it came from. Perhaps it belonged to Reed?

"If you don't mind Roy...can you tell me why I was wanted enough to kidnap me from a different realm?"

"Ah so you know about that part hum?"

"Kade told me when he was turning my body to clay." The feeling still haunted her. She felt so used, naked, even burned.

"Clay? My goodness I didn't know he could do that." Roy said " I'm afraid they wanted you for your ink. It has magical properties. Like any writer among the people of the cloud realm if you use your ink to write something down it will come to pass. You can literally write anyones story and it would come true. The good...and the bad."

Inkys heart dropped, she looked at her fingers. Was she that important?

"Maybe its best if I..."

"No!" Dannys voice boomed in the room. Zareth even stopped playing and looked at her even though he had a fearful look on his face telling her it might not be him looking at him like that. "I won't allow you to think that it would be best here without you Inky. Your father and I need you here with us." She reached over cupping the girls head in her hands. "We love you, and we won't ever think its best if you weren't here." Danny pulled her close.

" weren't created with emotions Danny. You and Gab were designed to just be prototypes."

"Is that why we were handed over to the military so willingly by Angela?" Danny blurted.

"No...Angela...commanded the military." This was news to Danny.

Danny closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Maybe you can answer the one question thats been burning on my mind since I began to remember what I once was." She took Zareths hand and looked up at Roy. "Why...did I suddenly awaken when I saw Zareth?" She asked Roy put the mugs onto the tray and looked at Zareth and shook his head.

"I donno. There must have been something within him or Zane that Dr. Julien had done. Whatever it was...its lost with him." Roy said Danny nodded her head and stood up.

"I think its about time I..." Danny ran to the door as the floor began to trimmer. Zareth ran to the door and looked on as a large cloud started to come there way.

"Avalanche!" He yelled grabbing Danny.

"You got a basement a cellar? Something?" Zareth grabbed Inky. She clung to him, he could feel her breathing quicken against his chest. Roys eyes widened.

Gaya held the binoculars to her eyes as the snow ran right over the house. It broke into pieces right before her eyes. She smiled turning to Kade.

"Perfect...go get them for me." She said and smiled. "You have 20 minutes before Inky dies and so do I." Kade nodded his head and looked at a large number of people.

"You heard her! Get to work!"

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