³. cruel revenge

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"i think I'm bisexual,"

Jungkook blink his eyes at the elder's confession. "is he legit?"Jungkook thought in his small mind.

"so does that mean-" Jungkook was quickly cut off when Yoongi put his index finger at his mouth to shut him up.

"yes. I have someone else in mind and i am planning on cheating on her," he explained.

Jungkook shut his eyes and let out the biggest and stressful sigh he ever did. He knew that even this would turn upside down, he is going to help his hyung anyway. He himself doesn't like that girl that much.


Gold digger,

And just a bitch,

That is all Jungkook's first impression on her when he first met her. He didn't even know why he could see the eyes of a gold digger inside of her but he is pretty sure that she's one of 'em.

"hyung, you know that cheating is not really-"

"I know but fuck me." Yoongi cut him off as Jungkook sigh dissapointedly

"and who's the lucky person to actually steal your heart this time?" Jungkook asked, hoping it wouldn't be someone that is so hard to get or something.

Yoongi smirk, a chuckle then followed after. He had set his eyes one someone in particular these days. But the nervousness in him is stopping him from approaching the person

"his name is Hoseok, Jung hoseok,"


"JUNG HOSEOK!" you scream his name when he still won't tell you who's his secret crush is.

Five minutes ago, You called Hoseok to have a talk about his sexuality but when he confessed something that you didn't expect he would, you quickly grew curious and have the feeling of eagerness inside of you.

"for the 10th times, tell me who so i can set you guys up or something," you sighed and groan from the phone.

"alright fine I'll tell you when we see him since i know that you don't know him," hoseok said with a bit of excitement in his tone of voice.

And you know, it is going to be an exciting day tomorrow as you are going to meet the guy that catches your friend's heart.

"alrighty then, I'll see you tomorrow!" you smiled, parting your phone from your ear to end the call.

you walk over to your night table and put away your phone since you knew that looking at your phone could cause eye damage. Stretching, you yawn. Hoseok finally solve his problems and you are really happy for him.

No crying during nights, bullying, and hurting himself.

It is going back to normal and you are glad.

But later did you know, this will go more complicated than it is going to be.


You squint your eyes at the blinding morning ray of sun that went through your curtains.

"Hoseok's boyfriend....." you mumble unconsciously while rubbing your eyes to get your senses back.

When you just realized what actually came out from your mouth, your eyes completely widen in shocked. You were surprised that you actually dream of him.

Is this what you get from over thinking about Hoseok?

It was a hazy dream, consisting nothing but only a blurred guy with a blue colored hair and that is slightly smaller than Hoseok.

You frustratedly throw the pillow towards your night lamp, but luckily it didn't break.

"i should've know who it was if it's not censored," you heaved out a sigh before you stand up to get your towel before going in the shower.

'probably there's a dick attached to his face,' you thought quitely before getting in the shower with the towel already wrapped around your naked body.

After going in, you turn the knob and lock the other door that was connected to the naked boy next door. The last thing you wanted is to see him naked again in the shower, while singing his favourite song, euphoria

You walk inside the shower and let the water touch your bare shoulder, but before you could even finish your shower, a loud banging was heard from the other side.

You arched your eyebrows before turning off the shower to get a better idea of what Jungkook will say this time.

"what is it?!" you shout as your voice achoed through the bathroom.

The banging stopped, and something else was heard.

"Y/N, HURRY THE FUCK UP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" he shouts and you flinch slightly at the high tone of his voice.

You smirk wickedly, a mischievous plan came into your mind.

After you're done showering and brushing your teeth, you wrap the warm towel securely around your body to keep your body warm and protected.

You slowly chuckle to yourself as you imagine how Jungkook's reaction would be after he found out what is your little prank is.

You smile, looking at the floor that is filled with detergent soup that makes it super slippery due to the amount that put.

Before calling him, you unlocked the door that is connected to his room.

"Jungkook! I'm done. You can come in!" you cover your mouth as soon as you were about to laugh out loud.

You went out from the bathroom quitely and carefully so you won't slip and ruin the plan.

Jungkook shouts back an "OKAY".

From the corner of your eyes, you could see that Jungkook open the door and smile to himself when he could finally take his shower.

But before he could process anything further,

he abruptly slipped and his face completely collided with the floor covered with soap

You peeked from your room when you hear a loud noise coming from the bathroom then you laugh, clutching your stomach in advance.



I decided to continue with this story since most of you guys actually like the storyline. I was thinking of deleting the book before though but it seems like you guys change my mind :)

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