²⁰. Hoseok's rescue

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"find the ribbons....find the ribbons....find the ribbons," you keep repeating those words. Ever since all of the students, including you, Jungkook and Hoseok run to the forest, all of you separated.

You were secretly freaked out. Being alone again in the forest is not the first time but what if it happens again? What if Jimin did something bad to you once more? Would Jungkook be there to save your annoying ass?

And there you go, not even going the right way, following the ribbons but instead, you were going deep inside the big forest. That ribbon

Since you keep on thinking and thinking, you didn't even hear the faint footstep that keep following you from behind— too late to even run away from it, you found yourself getting followed by.

After a while, you found yourself a big fluffy red ribbon with faint pink polka dot on it. That is probably the first ribbon to begin with.

It is placed right on top of the small bush near the long deep, fast river. No one here. Probably they haven't gone this far before this.

But before you could even reach the ribbon and send it a hard grip then go search for the rest, you were pushed.

pushed too hard and-

you fell in the deep river.

without knowing how to swim.


"hey Jungkook, I would love you to help me search for ribbons right now but i have a really bad feeling," Hoseok speak up so sudden, making Jungkook slightly jumped up and look at him confusedly

"nevermind, I think my ass is just itching," he shrugged.

Jungkook hummed in respond, totally agree with Hoseok.

You will be fine right? You are searching for the ribbons with your tentmates so Jimin wouldn't do anything suspicious.

Then, Hoseok suddenly throw all the ribbons that he collected from those searching and pull his hair in deep frustration.

"ah fuck these ribbons. I need to find Y/N to make sure she's fine," Hoseok said and run away deep into the forest, leaving the shocked lad standing dumbfounded.

He ran back to the place that he found the rest of the ribbons and ask some other students whether they saw you anywhere but none of them did.

He began panicking even more when his eyes landed on a group of girls that looks like they are your tentmate.

"Are you Y/N's tentmate?" he asked while panting hard.

"yes! have you perhaps seen Y/N anywhere?" they asked back, as worried as Hoseok is.

"You guys are not with her?!" He slightly shout, surprised by the new situation.

Not only she's alone, but later he saw Jimin's Jimin's tentmates walking together without him.

"W-we lost her," they stuttered, "We were searching for the ribbons together but suddenly when we turn around, she's gone," Sohye explain with knitted eyebrows

"Yoonhee?" they look at him confused, "Where's Yoonhee?"

"We didn't see her anywhere either, besides, we didn't care," they stated and a wave a panic washed over Hoseok like crazy.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Holy fuck," he cursed under his breath and run to search for you.

He haven't run this fast ever since he dated Yoongi and he didn't get used to running yet but because of you, he would do anything.

Yes, Yoongi is his life. But you're the reason he's alive. You were the one that helped him overcome the bullies. You were the one protecting him from the eggs that people throw at him.

"oh c'mon Y/N stop making me run and just show up right in front of my face," he talked into his mind and continue searching for any trace of you.

But not long after he said that, he heard some footsteps near the place he stood.

He look over his shoulder and saw two small figure. One with short silver hair and another one with a long hair.

It was definitely you and,


He quickly hide behind the trees and follow the both of them silently without getting caught.

It seems like you found a red polka dot ribbon near the bush by the river and instantly a smile crept up your face as you rush to take it.

weird, Hoseok thought. All the ribbons that he found was a yellow one. Why is the red ribbon doing here?

And then, right at that moment, he saw Jimin pushed Y/N to the deep river and she yelp for help.

Hoseok knew she couldn't swim so he hurriedly run towards her and push Jimin out of the way and grab Y/N hands to help her up.

"Oh my, look who we have here," Jimin snickers and separate Hoseok's hand from you, not letting he help you up.

"Go to hell fucker," Hoseok punched Jimin on the face and he fell backwards.

Jimin was about to land a punch back until he got a call from Yoonhee. He groan and answer the call before quickly walk away from the huge scene

"goodluck you gay bitch," he spit before disappearing.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and help you up. You were exhausted, heart racing so fast as you coughed out the water you accident swallowed.

"are you alright?" Hoseok asked and you slightly nodded.

He pat your back and look at you worriedly, "I'll call Jungkook to let him know what happened," he said and was about to reach for his phone inside of his pocket but it suddenly ring.

"oh man, he knew what's up," Hoseok chuckles and answer Jungkook's call.

"Yes Jungkook?" he starts of.

The line was quite for a while. The only thing he could hear was Jungkook's panting and heavy breath.

"Yoonhee confessed to me,"

[sorry for not updating as often as i did bfore. i hope you enjoy!]

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