Chapter 1

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"Let me go!" The woman to my right screamed. "You have absolutely no right to do this to me!" She cried out as she struggled against the strong men that had grabbed a hold of her arms and legs while they carried her towards a large, sleak, and black van. A young girl to my left was being carried to it as well. She wasn't screaming, though. She was sobbing and wailing as they loaded them in. That's when they came back for me.

"Are you going to give us problems too?" One asked me in a gruff voice. I simply shook my head and just calmly walked with them to the vehicle before climbing in. They strapped me and, shut and locked the doors, and then off we drove. The screaming girl was trying to tear off the straps while the other was silently staring at her lap. I wasn't doing either - I was remembering the day we fled Callice. It was one of the very last few remaining memories I had of us that I could still remember.
I could still hear my mom panting as we dashes through the crowded streets - dodging people and cars as we ran. There was yelling coming from behind us and I was terrified. My mom simply kept up her pace, trying hard to get us to safety. Then, my mom caught sight of the forest line and I heard her let out a sigh of relief. People hardly ever went into the forest.

"Almost there, my sweet Mana," she murmured comfortingly into my ear.  We dashed into the cover of the trees and their leaves that hung above us. The yelling from behind us faded away as we continued deeper into the darkness of the forest. Our feet and legs throbbing wuth pain as we neared our destination - a small cottage with white walls and a black roof. It's door was a vibrant color, yet I couldn't seem to remember what color it was. My mother knocked on the door while still holding my hand tightly. The door opened to reveal-
"Everyone out!" I was broken out of my thoughts by a female's voice yelling out as the back doors to the van were opened and the straps snapped off of us. I moved to get up and noticed how I wasn't the only one cooperating now. The girl who was crying earlier had gotten out willingly as well. But, the screaming girl refused to budge. The woman snapped her fingers aand two men came and dragged her out. They paused in front of the woman and she yanked on the girls head

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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Blood Soldiers - Volume One Of The Chronicles Of Magic SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now