Chapter 2

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Usagi woke up to find the teddy bear gone. Thinking that Denis just took it to be washed, he sat up in bed and looked at the time. "7:30?! I'm gonna be late!" Usagi yelped. Even though the teacher understood why he would be late for school, he didn't want to be late again. He sprinted out of bed and immediately

Rn looked for his uniform, only to find that Denis put it on the drawer and folded it for him to wear. He slid it on and checked the time.

"Dang, 7:40. Doesn't usually take me that long," he stated as he went downstairs. He got all his stuff together and smelled the soft aroma of Denis's cooking from the kitchen. He peeked inside and decided to make a move. He realized he had a crush on him, so why not drop a hint? He looked all the way through and found him gone. "Eh, might as well get breakfast," he sighed. As he stood in front of the oven to grab an omelette, a pair of warm and soft arms wrapped around his waist from behind and a kiss was left on his neck. "Good morning sleeping beauty~. Did you realize you made me hold you last night?" Denis asked with a flirty tone. He chuckled and let go, grabbing breakfast. "I'll be outside," Denis shouted as he left the room. Usagi was in shock. He didn't know that it was Denis! Come to think of it, Denis was pretty comfortable. Usagi left the house with all his supplies. He had his headphones on and listening to Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco. He walked up to Denis and together they walked to school. When they got there, Usagi rushed inside.

Usagi went to the nurse and got his bandaged arm rewrapped. He went back to Denis and smiled at him. They made their way to their classes and departed for the time being.


When Usagi and Denis met up for lunch, they were on the rooftop. As Denis was telling jokes, Usagi turned and widened his eyes. There before him were his bullies. He felt embarrassed that Denis would have to see their interaction. He wondered if Denis wouldn't like him at all anymore or would see him as weak and a freak of nature. Finally he snapped out of it and read his bully, Leon's, lips.

"I see you have a friend made out of pity! Lets see how much he likes it when he finds out you're a deaf gay boy!" Leon yelled. People on the rooftop turned and gasped at what he said. "I...." Usagi started, yet Leon cut him off. "Gay! Gay! Deaf boy!" Leon continued. Usagi's eyes widened and filled with tears as Leon proceeded to say, "Go die! You're gonna burn in hell anyways!"

Denis stood up and looked him dead in the eyes, and Leon went from angry and intimidating to submissive and happy. "H-hello Denis!!! I was wondering if you'd like to be friends? I'm the second most popular student, next to you!!!" Leon cheered. "I'd love to be friends," Denis replied, "If you weren't so much of an asshole. Why would you tell a deaf kid to go die? Do you understand your actions?" Denis started to slowly creep up to Leon, and Leon started to back away until he was against a wall and unable to escape. Panic showed in his eyes as Denis continued. "You know, I don't think I'd mind being a murderer right now~. Get out of my sight or you'll end up like how you wanted Usagi!" Denis yelled. Leon quickly made an escape and Denis stepped back for him.

Denis went back to Usagi and helped him eat, and others smiled at the sight of possible love. Everyone knew that Denis doesn't feel love, yet maybe Usagi will bring that part out of him. Denis cheeks started to become rosy as Usagi smiled happily. Denis rustled Usagi's hair and kissed his forehead before the bell rang for class.


At the end of the day Usagi ran out of the school happily and went to the bleachers, only to hide inside of them and watch Denis during soccer practice. Usgai blushed as he watched his crush make goals one after the next. He wanted to cheer out the name, yet only did it in his head to make sure he won't be caught.

As Denis made score after score, Usagi smiled and blushed more, fangirling over Denis. He found that he needed to change so he made his way to the locker rooms and waited for everyone change before going in. He slipped off his uniform and shivered as cold ari touched his skin. He quickly slipped on a warm white sweater and pink jean shorts. Using pink suspenders, he connected them together. He looked around before slipping on his thigh high white kitty socks with garters pinching onto the jean shorts. He smiled and finally finished it off with pink and white fluffy uggs. He stood up and fixed his hair into a man bun and made his way out with his small bunny backpack. Without knowing, Denis had stood behind him and squeezed his bun, making Usagi squeal. Usagi turned and saw Denis laughing, making his own self laugh. Holding hands, they made their way out of the locker room and out to get tea. They stopped at the usual shop and headed in, getting green tea ingredients and a few snacks. Satisfied, they finally made their way home.


It always ended like this. They would change after school, get green tea, go home and have it, eat dinner and then go to bed. Finally, after a few weeks, a night changed their entire schedule.

Usagi woke up to a startling lightning flash. He squealed and hid under the covers. As another one filled the room he ran to Denis's room in tears, yet stopped in front of the door. He questioned if he really should. Another lightning flash filled the house as Usagi panickedly opened Denis's door and pounced on him.

"GAH GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE-" Denis yelled, waking up from a nightmare where a girl was trying to hit on him again. He saw it was Usagi and immediately hugged him close, kissing him all over. Knowing that Usagi wasn't looking at his lips, he comforted him. Denis knew from Usagi's sister that he was afraid of lightning flashes and the vibrations of thunder claps.

Denis looked into Usagi's eyes and smiled. He got on top of him and laid a small kiss on Usagi's lips, and Usagi did the same in return. Denis knew this calmed Usagi down every time, since Usagi's sister would kiss his hands, nose, cheeks and forehead to calm him easily.

Usagi wrapped his arms around Denis and closed his eyes, handing his hair spread out and messy all over the bedsheets. After awhile they pulled away from each other and went to bed, Denis holding Usagi in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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