Chapter 7

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I woke up laying on a floor of a barely lit room there was just one little problem, IT WASN'T MY ROOM i sat up on my knees and was going to stand up until i heard something.

It was like a door opening i try to stand up and run but something was keeping me immobile, i look at my hands and see that they are chained up with some kind of metal that werewolves have a hard time escaping from.

Then i look around and see chains made of the same metal leading from the ceiling to my neck, i realize it was attached to a neck thing that was on. I did everything i could to try and escape until i hear people talking and walking towards me.

Tobys POV

"She down" I ask ej all he does is nod "toby come on, she is just a puppy dog" said jeff messing up my hair and heading down to the basement along with jack.

I follow them down to where she was, i didn't like her taking my goggles but i might have went a little bit overboard with a slap so i might apologize while she unable to kill me.

Ej and jeff kept talking while i didn't say a word until i got dragged into their conversation, " hey toby if me ad jeff go on a killing spree tonight who do you think will kill the most people?" ej asked both stopping where they were and looking at me, i didn't really want to answer because the other person would kill me if i picked the other I'm not that strong.

I was about to answer until we hear the clattering of chains we all looked at the direction it came from then we continue to walk, as soon as we go around the corner i see her on her knees with her hair covering her face.

"What the hell, i never seen a werewolf like this before is it dead" jeff keeled down infront of her and stared at her, until she snapped at him trying to bite him.

He jumped back before she bit him " woah okay not dead" she stood up and flipped her hair back so it wasn't covering her face, and when i saw her face i was scared she was growling like a mad dog and the light from the window made her eyes glow.

Slendy told us everything about her like she had reddish-orange eyes, but her eyes were just red she continued to look at jeff and jack until her focus stood on me i saw her eyes glow a death red then she tried to attack me.

Even though her chains were stopping her from reaching me she wouldn't stop snapping her teeth at me i actually kept on backing up that is until she somehow *Ching* BROKE THE FUCKING CHAINS!!!

Then she brought her claws out and started growling at me, i knew this my time to start running so i did but i heard her following behind me.

Readers POV

I was chasing that ticci bitch that slapped me, now that i was stronger i could easily kill him, he kept running all around this house.

I didn't even notice it was a mansion, my main focus was on him i continue to run after him until.........

Haha cliffhanger, now everyone i think you all deserve an apology for my late update, i was on punishment so i got all my electronics taken away so i had nothing to write my story on.

I got my phone so i decided to write my story,  anyway i tried to make this story longer to try and make up for my absence, and thank you all for sticking with me. I love you all

Bye my lil' creepsters😘

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