I am continuing, sorry!

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I'm sorry I've been so absent.

Since December a lot has happened but I'll give a brief run down so you can see why I've been away for so long.

Mid way through December my Mum has a large asthma attack resulting in a cardiac arrest. For about five minutes her heart stopped and we all thought she was dead.

Luckily she was able to be revived and way put into ICU and then the ward where she recovered well and we had her back on Christmas Eve. She was recovering from the attack and some cracked ribs from her resuscitation but was doing well.

A couple of days ago my sister went into the hospital for sepsis and two days after my Mum went back for a chest infection. They're both still in the hospital but recovering well and it looks like they should be home soon.

I've been at home because I also caught the same chest infection but I don't have asthma and my chest isn't as weak so I'm just at home.

In between all this it's my last year of A-Levels (I think equivalent to Finals for all you non-English, but slightly different) and I've been needing to work on them, I take Physics, Chemistry and Maths and all three of them are kicking my arse.

So I am continuing and should have the next chapter up very soon, I'm sorry about all this and everything should be back to normal again. Once again I'm sorry for my absence but I should be back very soon. Thank you!!!!

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