Eighth Endeavor: Retaliation

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The shadowed clouds hung low in the atmosphere, yet rain ceased to drip down from the ghastly heavens. The streets of Salge were as barren as ever, only a few individuals milling the concrete pathways, and a few soldiers clad in military attire were leaning along the walls of an alleyway. The men snorted and guffawed at each other's mindless jokes, the topics ranging from loose women to arguments about the simplest of opinions.

There were three of them, one being slighter taller and more oxen then the other two. However, each of the men retained a grizzly amount of stubble, giving them an identical vibe, as if they were synthetic clones of the first soldier. Without their leather masks laced around their mouths and noses, the men appeared more human from what they were normally perceived to be by the fear-minded civilians. However, looks would forever be deceiving , and no amount of humanly attributes could hide the fact the military officials were nothing but sexist, grotesque hogs wallowing around in their government-entitled mud.

Levi glowered at the scene when he exited the pharmacy, a pocket-sized paper bag with a receipt stapled to the front held against his chest. Ever since Naomi had been harassed, Levi's hatred for the military only grew stronger, the lone thought of them merely breathing irked Levi to the very core. Perhaps it was pure nature Levi had internalized a loathing for their kind, given their crude gestures towards blameless individuals, the haunting power they constantly abused, and their abnormal hatred for the free people of Mynpheal.

However, Levi held his tongue and actions when in vicinity of their malicious existence. If Naomi were to hear word of him threatening or clobbering the people in control, he would be forced to relish in another beating back home. Being the compassionate and sympathetic being she was, Naomi had a way of persuading her beloved cousin astray from barbaric acts when in his company; although, even then Levi managed to proclaim his opinion on the matter, much like the time he nearly snapped that officer's arm like a dried twig.

His glare worsened as he stood outside the frosted glass doors of the pharmacy, the grip on his medication becoming tenser and harsher. All those years back in Mynpheal training and sparring felt wasted from his perspective, and if Levi had an ounce of courage to take a stance and land a bone-crushing kick to a soldier's skull, he might gain a bit of happiness for once in his miserable life.

Levi glanced at the crinkling bag in his grasp. Naomi had urged him to renew his prescriptions, but there he was, dawdling and detesting a pack of fiendish humans on the sidewalk instead of returning home to present his evidence to her. However, a premonition was boiling inside him and begged him to stay for a few minutes longer, just to secure him that his environment was safe.

The three soldiers bellowed and laughed, proceeded by a pause as their murky brown eyes affixed to a frail woman walking in their direction. As soon as she passed them, one of the soldiers beckoned to his comrades and trailed after the oblivious woman. Levi could only spectate from across the street as one of the lofty men grabbed the woman by her shoulders and forcibly spun her around to face him and his crew. He muttered a few things to her, and she visibly disapproved of what they were saying, shaking her head in disagreement as her listless eyes widened in a terrified manner.

The officers spared each other a condescending smirk and the leader of the group spoke to the woman once more, while the two beside him stalked around the woman until they were standing right behind her. Levi's lips parted slightly and a mute gasp escaped his throat when the two men ruthlessly grabbed the woman's arms and held them against her lower back, a clear shriek resonating from their assault. She attempted to struggle free from their touch, which resulted in failure when the first soldier cupped her jawline and tilted her head up to view him correctly.

Something snapped within Levi when he bore witness to the injustices playing out before him. Although Naomi would pester and plead for him not to intervene, Levi was overcome with the desire to drastically alter the situation, and soon. The longer he remained sedentary and silent, the longer he had to endure the painful sight of human derogation. To reconsider, if Naomi were to be in the woman's current situation, the first thought that would shoot across Levi's mind in flashing neon lights would be protecting and rescuing her.

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