Thirteenth Endeavor: Voice

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WARNING: This chapter contains a mild description of sexual abuse and discussions of female anatomy; if these subjects triggers / makes you uncomfortable, I implore you not to read those designated sections. Thank you and stay safe, readers.

Also, special thanks to KAGAYAKE GALAXY SILVER for the amazing artwork of Naomi included in this chapter; wherever you are on the internet forums nowadays, I am indebted to you <3 


If there were a word in his vast lexicon to describe the taste and sensation of Naomi's lips upon his, Erwin would utter it in a heartbeat. Alas, even if there were such a definition, the dumbfounded Aryan male couldn't possibly mouth a vocalization to the woman before him, what with her proffered, numbing kiss and attractive personality tying his tongue in every direction possible.

However, he eventually succumbed to the mortal's dastardly gesture of affection, he too blinking his sapphire eyes shut and indulging in the amorous act Naomi was presenting to him. It was foreign, the way her lips seemed to perfectly mold against his and how her thick frame fit divinely into the curve of his own. In a sense, it was bliss, but at the same time suffocating for Erwin to withstand. If he had known that a simple kiss would asphyxiate him like so, Erwin would have never allowed the smaller woman to lean into him seconds prior.

His strangled incoherency only escalated when the brunette drew back and breathed an ardent sigh, the sensual action stirring a warm pool from within Erwin's core. Such a sound caused his heart to thump repeatedly against its fragile entrapment, the pounding throb resonating his repressed and undetermined emotions for Naomi. It was sickening in a way, but incredibly therapeutic to the blond-haired gentleman as well.

Gazing down with glassy, verdant hues, Naomi removed her touch from Erwin's hand and softly placed it on his chest, her fingers gripping a piece of his t-shirt in an embarrassed fashion. A warm blush crept onto her features, and a flustered glimmer shone in her unique-speckled irises; a similar pool had enveloped her abdominal regions and subtly pulsed underneath her heated skin as well.

Inhaling a calming intake of the cool, living room air, Naomi flickered her sight back up to Erwin, registering the baffled, yet gratuitous expression marked onto his distinct facial structure. Something about his countenance perplexed Naomi to a certain degree, almost as if the forlorn and indignant feelings had been rinsed from Erwin, leaving behind the weary, misunderstood longing and passion that had been masked beneath a plethora of negative emotions.

Something had changed in Erwin since Naomi had met him, and she knew the Aryan male was aware of the transformative ordeal himself.

"Erwin," Naomi called, her voice a harmonious melody when it mingled with the everlasting rain beyond the bow window, "I apologize for not confiding my trust in you sooner. To be quite honest, I feel as though I have wronged you for my incompetence to disclose my feelings in a timely manner."

The Aryan male quirked a brow in perplexity.

"I . . . I don't understand," Erwin replied, his hand trailing down to cup the chubby curve of Naomi's waist. "You have trusted me for a while now, have you not? Why do you sound so woebegone about the urgency to confess to me?"

Fiddling with Erwin's shirt anxiously, Naomi tugged on the thin fabric and breathed a quiet sigh, murmuring, "Trust is a complex idea to fully comprehend. Of course, I have trusted you with many subjects pertaining to myself and Mynpheal . . . However, when everything simmered down up until this point and I started recognizing your role in my life, I realized how much I had kept a secret from you."

"Naomi," Erwin susurrated, a hint of apprehension lingering in his gravelly tone.

Lachrymose irises peered up at Erwin, a pair of glimmering, enchanted-forest hues affixed onto the gentle tides of his ocean ones. Naomi swallowed an overwrought lump in her throat, dreading the truths she was bound to spill for Erwin. Though she believed she had come to terms with the haunting events and imprinted images, the brunette found it complicated to form a simple sentence.

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