Hero In Emergency

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“Please Mr.Stark don't make me go there. I hate that place.” I beg. Mr.Stark  looks down at me, pulling his sunglasses off. I stick my bottom lip out in a pouty face, waiting for his response. He is forcing me to go back to school after the break the city decided.

“Spaz we discussed this, Alex wanted you to get a education and so do I. You want to grow up and be smart. You need to get a career.” He says for the millionth time. A woman walks past us, handing him a folder. He nods at her as she walks past.

“But, I could be a superhero and defeat Thanos. That could me my career.” I explain. He shakes his head, reading the words on the front of the folder.

“You're only a hero in emergency.” He says, before walking down the hall.

“I left a box for you near the door, it had your name on it!! Take it to school!!” He yells back to me. I groan as I walk the opposite way down the hall, grabbing my backpack and the box before stepping out into the lot. I already missed my bus, so I decide to fly  to school. The Parking Lot is almost empty other than Steve coming out of his car, walking towards me.

“August! Where are you going?” He asks as he approaches me. I pause in my  stance. I stand up straight.

“Hell.” I say bluntly. He stands in front of me, raising a eyebrow.

“School.” I clarify. He smiles, nodding.

“Of course, I forgot it started up again.” He says nodding.

“Need a ride?” He asks, pointing to his motorcycle. Which is parked directly next to his car. I nod slowly.

The next minute I’m on the back of captain america’s motorcycle driving through Manhattan at rush hour.

“Ever been on a motorcycle?” He yells.


“I’m sure Tony would kill me if he found out. He’s overly protective of you.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah, reminds me of the way he was with Peter.”

“Parker?” I ask, to clarify. He nods, pulling in front of the school.

“Thanks.” I say, handing him the helmet I borrowed. He salutes me as I run into the building right before the doors close.  I walk down the hall full of students, towards my locker.

“Auggie!!” I hear my bestfriend Jaeden call. I turn around to see him running down the hall. I embrace for impact as he tackles me to the ground, hugging me.

“C’mon this floor is nasty. Get up” I say. He chuckles and gets off of me, helping me up.

“I missed you.” He says, wrapping me in a hug. I hug him back.

“I missed you too.” I answer.

“How’d you get here? I didn't see you on the bus.” He says, unlocking his locker. I unlock mine as well, stuffing my backpack in.

“Steve gave me a ride. On his motorcycle.” I whisper. His eyes go wide. I smirk as he stares at me.
“Seriously?? You rode on-” He begins to shout. I put my hand over his mouth as people look at us.

“Shut up.” I mumble. He suddenly licks me, making me pull my hand away in disgust. I wipe it on his shirt. He smirks. I shut my locker and Follow him to Homeroom.

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