You get the short end of the stick. Or do you?

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Star fliched herself awake from the sudden voice that escaped from Marco's lips. She stood up and walked over to the confused boy who only looked around wondering.

"Hello, Marco." She murmered. "Your mom went home. She was tired but I offered to stay here and look after you." She said. Slowly but surely, Marco started to process and started nodding his head.

"I better call the nurse. To you know, get you taken care of." She mused before she stood up and took the phone next to Marco's head above his bed and requested a nurse to come. Soon enough, three nurses walked in, all at different times to insure he was at best.

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They were all done. The nurses triple checked and he was fine. No blood clotting or anything like that. Now it was just Star and Marco. Sitting face to face, exept he who was upright on his bed whilst Star sat on a chair on his bedside.

"You know, while I was schooling in Mewni, I was taught weird things." She pointed. Marco sighed "Mhm. Like what?"

"Like how touching is bad, and how kisses are sins. I never believed in them. Atleast I never wanted to. Do you?" He shook his head in disagreement with a slight smirk on his face. "That's just bullcrap. They aren't true. People can do whatever they want aslong as they don't go too far." He stated. Star raised an eyebrow at his firm statement. He beat people and she's pretty sure he's went "too far" a couple of times. She simply shook her head and let the thought go.

"Marco," she sighed. "I'd like to start over." He was pleased to hear that but then again, shouldn't he be the one telling that to her?

"Yeah, me too. We never got to get to know eachother from the very start. Just leapt straight on to the teasing." He suppressed a chuckle. He never questioned her request, for they both knew that that was what they wanted.

"You never really hated me, right?" She asked. Hopeful of a positive answer from the boy. He shifted in his position, sitting up straighter and folding his hands across his lap. Looking into his hands he mumbled, in hopes she wouldn't hear "No. I don't. That's just how I show my love for somebody."

"Marco, i'm still expecting you to answer." He sighed and looked straight into her eyes which gleamed of curiosity. A gentle kind of curiosity if it makes sense. "No, Star. I never hated you. Just kinda thought you were annoying but that was it! I like you." He whispered the last part so quiet not even the mouse could hear.

"Oh, what a relief! That's great. Did you say anything else?" She beamed in joy and genuine relief. Marco bolted his head up for he had put it down after he had said his silent confession and shook it enough for her to believe that he actually didn't have anything else to say.

She giggled and leaned forward, placing a quick little thimble on his flustered cheek. "I like you too, Marco. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled one last time before getting up from her seat and leaving the quiet room. Marco stared at the door for a few seconds and looked back down at his hands in awe, placing a gentle touch of his fingers on the place where she had left her delicate kiss.

All this time he had thought love was just a fragment that people in fairy tales or poems would talk about. He'd always thought it was unreachable, untouchable... unachievable. He was always left alone, despite the efforts of his parents to get him to open up. People easily gave ip on him that's why. He was just as stubborn as a 6 year old child wailing for it's toy to be given back. Once they knew he was never going to cooperate, they say "might as be a loner than to work with this!" Hurt the poor boy even more. Taking his anger and irritation out on other people. Even he knew it was impossible to get back to who he was once before. Until she came. The damsel. The clueless, dainty, flower who had just sprung into his life without any precautions. She had opened a lot of mew things to him despite his lacking in showing it. God knows where they'd both end up. Who knows? Maybe they'll get married and have beautiful children, or not be friends at all anymore and pretend the whole thing was nothing but a make believe child's play. One thing's for sure, people have seen something between them that they haven't. A small, thin, red, string bound by their pinkies.

It is officially the end with this lovely book. I know the time jumping was extremely confusing, I just really wasn't feeling the mood to go back and change it but I thank all of you for sticking with it and carrying on! I was thinking about writing a book full of poetry that my mind just manages to make up. You'll surely love it and if i'm lucky, you might even be able to relate! Til' again my loves 🕊

- author

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