Chapter 26 - Being blind hurts

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"Where am I?" I asked, rubbing my eye sockets.

"Don't do that!" Said Bucky, tugging my fists away from my sockets.

"We really need to get you something to cover those sockets..." Bucky muttered to himself.

"What about nothing covers my sockets, and I get a reward for not rubbing, itching or anything like that?" I offered, sitting bolt upright.

"That is a good plan." He said, running circles on the back of my hand.

Suddenly, we heard someone scream.

Getting up in a hurried panic, I ran out of the room, surprisingly without hitting anything, and into the hallway.

Then it started hurting.

I ran into about 5 walls, 2 people and fell over my feet 3 times.

"Becky! Wait! You're going to hurt yourself!" Shouted Bucky, running after me.

Running into what I think is the living room, I tripped over a moving object. A person I think.

"Becky, are you OK?" Asked Bucky rushing to my side.

"I'm fine. What did I fall over, though?" I asked, rubbing my ankle.

"You tripped over me." Said, what I think was Clint.

"What were you doing on the floor? And what was that high-pitched scream?" I asked.

"I fell off of the sofa and ended up on the floor after I screamed when Nat tickled me by surprise." Clint explained.

"What's happening in here?" Asked a familiar voice.

"Steve?" I asked,turning my head to where the voice was coming from.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Apart from running into 5 walls, 2 people and fell over her feet 3 times..." Bucky started, slightly annoyed.

"I feel fine. Although my sockets itch."  I said.

"I'm not going to touch them though." I finished.

"Good girl." Said Bucky, pushing what felt like a poptart into my hands.

"Why'd you give her a poptart?" Asked Steve.

"I said I'd give her a reward every time she felt like itching her sockets but didn't." Bucky told him.

"Brother won't be very happy when he finds out that you gave one of his poptarts to Becky." Said, judging by the use of the word 'brother', Loki.

"He gave me a poptart before my wedding, or meant-to-be-wedding, to calm my nerves." I said, taking a bite out of my sweet treat.

"Who ate one of my poptarts?!" We heard Thor yell from the kitchen.

"Thor, remember what we said about when Becky didn't rub her eyes?" Asked Bucky.

"Yes...?" He said, urging for him to go on.

"She needed one of yours until you came home with her special ones." He finished.

"OK." He said, putting the shopping bags on the floor, I could tell by the quiet rustling of thin plastic bags.

"Becky, if I take off the bandages gently, will you promise not to rub them? Because if you do, you don't get a poptart the next time you don't rub your eyes." Thor said.

"I promise Thor." I said like a helpless 5 year-old. I guess I am helpless now, I won't be able to do anything by myself again until I get used to walking around the tower.

Bailey Buchanan BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now