Warning/thingy I dont know what to call it

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So hello there, this is a werewolf story but I'm kinda bored of the same old werewolf story where the main character has either been abused or in the end someone gets rejected and some other shit happens and its just a whole lot of boring for me at this point.

There are probably so many books with this sort of disclaimer...I don't know...but I just want it to be different, literally like any other author says about their book.

If you don't like werewolf stories, I would go back because someone out there when they read this and is like' oh I hate werewolves' they will leave a stupid comment, like: This book is stupid, no one actually likes this sort of stuff, its not even real. So for all the people like that (The Debbie Downers) the reason why people write is to make the things that aren't real come to life.

If you dont like my story that's fine, but bitch dont leave a mean comment, ain't nobody got time to put up with that.

Well, I'm bored of writing these things, and you have probably skipped it(for those who haven't, HI)

I'm gonna go now


Bye Sis





Summer xx

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