Chapter 3

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I woke up really early the next morning. I checked the time and it was only 6 o clock, I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to put on a pair of uggs and go for a walk. I wondered why I had to go to school even though it was nearly summer. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

I was still waking listening to my music, I had managed to get myself into a little forest beside a lake it was a gorgeous place. I hear a noise behind me.. I look around suddenly but nobody was there. I just turned and started walking again when I seen that boy from yesterday sitting on a grass hill looking at the lake deep in thought. I decided to get my own back from yesterday and scare him. I crept up behind him not making a sound.. 1... 2... 3... I ran and jumped but tripped on my foot falling face first into the grass screaming. "What the hell where did you come from?!" He said trying not to laugh and looking a bit shocked. "I-i-i... Uhh" I said feeling dizzy from the fall, "I was gonna scare you to get you back for yesterday but I tripped.." I said looking down, my face was completely red. "awh it's okay haha hope your okay... Your blushing ;)" he said winking at me. And then I realised my hair was a mess and I had no makeup on! I put my hands covering my face smiling in embarrassment. "What's wrong with you ahah?" He said confused. "I uh forgot I look like Godzilla in the morning.." I said looking down. He frowned and pulled my hands from my face and said "hey hey! It's okay just be who you really are! You look beautiful" he said smiling. I thought to myself he's really good at lying hahaha. "Oh well anyway I gotta go and get ready for my first day at school" I said. "Goodluck hahaha it's not easy being the new kid at school" he said laughing. "That doesn't help very much" I said frowning and getting up off the ground. "Anyway gotta go, byeeeeeeee" I said running away back to my house.

I got to my house and ran upstairs , first I straightened my hair , then put on a bit of mascara and decided to leave the foundation because I wouldn't know anyone at school. I put on a pair of leggings and a long top and a sweatshirt. I put on my converses and grabbed schoolbag and phone. I walked into the kitchen to find a note on the table saying "Hey Honey! I'll be back late tonight don't be late for school.. Mom x" I just sighed it was nothing new that she was never at home anymore. I walked out of the house locking it and putting my key in my bag. I looked at the map she drew out to where my school was and started walking putting in my ear phones. When I got there eventually it was a massive school. I gulped and walked into the school to the office, I knocked on the door and went in " hi my names Grace Kennedy I'm starting today" I said to a lady who looked rather skinny and very stuck up. She smiled "ah yes , the new kid!" . Even the teachers called my the new kid of great. She gave me my timetable and my locker number , I thanked her and walked out the door. New start, new personality.. Maybe I could go sassy or slutty or maybe even quiet! So many decisions. I would try them all out.. And be productive and all I thought to myself smiling. I would make this year interesting.

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