Chapter 8

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Me and Rosie were getting ready for the disco tonight, the boys also went home to get changed. I went for a shower , then Rosie went in and I did my tan. Rosie didn't need to because she was so tan already but I wasn't tan at all. I dried my hair straightened myna it and also did Rosie's. Did my makeup and did Rosie's. She always liked me to do her makeup and hair. Good thing we started so early because it was taking ages. We were deciding what to wear. I decided to wear my black body con dress , I loved it. It was a bit short but I still wore it. Rosie was wearing a white crop top and a blue skater skirt. I suppose I needed to wear high heels but I couldn't walk in them so I just wore my maroon vans but Rosie could walk 10 miles in heels.. Lucky her! So she wore her white wedges. I text Hayes to tell him we were ready and to come over and collect us whenever. After a few minutes we heard a beep and ran outside , locked the door and jumped in the car. It was Cam driving and Rosie in the passengers seat. Then I sat in the middle cause the smallest always goes in the middle, and Nash and Hayes were on either side of me. "You look beautiful oh my god" Hayes said looking me up and down and dropping his jaw. The other guys were driving the other car. It takes 15 minutes to get to the disco. So I layed my head on Hayes shoulders and thought about how good tonight was going to be! I really couldn't wait! It was my first time going clubbing too.

When we finally got there Hayes got out then held my hand going in the door. Cam and Rosie were holding hands too. I felt bad for Nash so I held his hand too, we all laughed. We got in and the place was packed! But the music was so good I wanted to just start dancing already. I let go of both their hands and broke into dance moves which I thought looked cool but probably looked like I was having a baby, I didn't care though cause I was having fun. I dragged Rosie onto the dance floor while the boys got us drinks. We were dancing together when two really hot boys came up to us and started dancing with us. We just laughed. "You girls are really hot." One of the boys said. "Oh haha thank you I guess" I smiled back. "Do you want to make out?" They both asked me and Rosie. "Ehm no thank you we have boyfriends." I lied, well I didn't really know if we did, me and Hayes were together but he didn't ask me out. "I don't see them anywhere! Come on pleaseeee" they begged. "Sorry" I said frowning. "Just one kiss?" he asked. I just tried to walk away but he pulled my arm back "please?" He looked desperately at me and Rosie. "I ca-" I was interrupted by Hayes, "hey leave them alone they are with us!" He said to them. "Whatever." They said walking away. "This is why I don't like going clubbing!" Hayes said. "I wouldn't ever do that to you" I said looking up at him smiling. "Good" he smiled back. "Here's your drinksss" . I smelled it and it smelled like alcohol. "Hayes is there alcohol in this??" I asked shocked. "Yeah but don't tell anyone" he whispered to me. I took a sip, it tasted so gross but I kept drinking until it was empty. He poured more and more and more. I felt so happy. I got up and started dancing. I told Hayes to come dance. He drank some more than me but he didn't get drunk as easily. Cam had a bit but not much and Rosie refused altogether. "Hayes I love you" I whispered into his ear when we were dancing. "Love you too" he whispered back. I didn't even know i was drunk. I kissed him and then it turned out into a make out session. Then Rosie tapped my shoulder, I pulled out from making out with Hayes. "Let's danceeee, sorry Hayes for stealing her away from you" Rosie yelled. He laughed. We went and danced for so long. I looked over to Hayes and he was kissing someone?? And that someone was MADISON!! A wave of anger came over me. I was just staring tears started coming to my face. He pulled out after 10 seconds and said something to her, then looked over my way and saw me. He started to walk to me but I ran out of the club. He came out after me and I just sat down on the ground with my knees to my face and covered my face. "Babe!! I can explain!" He kneeled down beside me touching my back. "Don't touch me!!" I yelled at him and looking at him , I could tell he seen the anger in my eyes. "Babe calm down! I know it looked bad but she can over to me and just kissed me , and I didn't pull out straight away cause I didn't know what was going on! That's what happened and that's the truth" he explained. I still was angry , hurt and jealous. I just sniffed and said "why didn't you pull out straight away?" . He responded with "i was in shock!". "Fine I believe you but I'm still hurt". I tried to get up to my feet but I didn't realise how much I had to drink and stumbled a bit. I walked a few steps then collapsed. "Hey are you alright?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask me , I looked up and it was a guy who looked 17 and he was H O T . "Yeah I'm good just a bit clumsy" I said . He helped me up. "You sure your okay to be on your own?" he looked concerned for me. "Actually she's with me" Hayes butted in. "Oh well okay" he walked off. "That was rude" I said. "Where's Rosie and Cam and Nash?" I asked. "I'll get them , you stay here" he said walking in to the club again. They came out and we walked to the car. I stumbled a few times. "Hey are you sure your okay? What did you have?" Nash asked me. "Hayes gave me something" I said. Nash looked at Hayes. "Did you give her alcohol?" Hayes nodded. "Dude what the hell!" He said. "I only gave her a tiny bit" he argued. "Your so stupid!" Nash yelled. "We need to get you home Grace" he said. When we got to the car I felt something bad in my stomach. Then suddenly I bent over a got sick everywhere on the side walk. "Grace! Are you okay babe?" Hayes asked. "I'm fine just need to get home" I insisted. "Okay let's go quickly!" They all said. On the way home I felt myself getting sleepy and fell asleep on Hayes....

Hey guys! Hope you like it :)

- Grace x

Typical Irish Girl - Hayes GrierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora