Rachel Jackson

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One day, Stephanie and Matthew heard the door knock.

"I'll get it!" Stephanie called out, rushing to the door.

Opening the door, Stephanie saw a girl who looked to be about her age. Her hair was a black colour, her skin was tanned, and she had the darkest blue eyes Stephanie had ever seen.

"Hello, Miss." Stephanie said.

"Um..hi. Is Matthew Patrick here?" The girl replied.

Matthew yelped, and he jumped off the stairs to hide.

"Um..I think he just left." Stephanie said.

"OW!!!" Matthew cried.

Matthew could hear Nathan laughing.

"What's so funny about me hurting myself?!" Matthew snapped.

"Really. You really are an idiot." Nathan laughed.

"Well, I heard him. So he's definitely here." The girl said.

"Do'h!" Matthew yelled.

Matthew got up and went to the girl.

"Hello there, Miss." Matthew said to her.

"Hi! I need your help on something. " the girl said to him.

"What do you need?" Matthew asked.

"If you let her in, then she can show you." Stephanie said to Matthew.

Matthew let the girl in. "Um, pardon me, but what's your name?"

"It's Rachel Jackson." Rachel said.

"Well, nice to meet you, Rachel!" Matthew said, cheerfully.

Rachel sat on the cushion of the stool, bouncing a little, giggling.

"So, what do you need?" Matthew asked.

Rachel removed her jacket to reveal a horrible red bruise on her shoulder.

"Oh my God!" Stephanie cried.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Rachel laughed a bit. "He did a good job on this too. Men are a bit too good at causing pain."

Matthew and Stephanie looked at each other, worried. Why would someone do this thing to a poor girl who had done nothing wrong?

"Just give me a minute." Stephanie said, rushing to get water and wipes.

She came back with the things she needed to heal Rachel.

"Matt, can you help me with this?" Stephanie asked Matthew.

"Of course!" Matthew replied.

Matthew grabbed one of the wipes and tried placing it onto Rachel's bruise carefully.

Rachel sucked her breath in.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?!" Matthew cried.

"No. It just stung a little." Rachel replied.

"Let me handle this, Matthew." Stephanie told him.

As Stephanie was taking care of Rachel's wound, Matthew had something on his mind. Who hurt her?

"Miss Jackson, do you remember who did this to you?" Matthew asked.

"Well...I won't forget his name, that's for sure." Rachel replied.

"What was his name?"

"Nathan Sharp."

Matthew froze in fear, hoping that he didn't hear Rachel and Stephanie repeat that name.

"That...that was me! I hurt her!" Matthew thought.

Rachel and Stephanie looked at Matthew, worried.

"Matthew, are you okay?" Rachel asked.

Rachel's words caused Matthew to snap back into reality. "O-Oh! I'm fine!" Matthew lied.

"You know. Matt. You kind of remind me of Nate. You look like him too." Rachel told Matthew.

Nathan appeared as somewhat of a spirit. Only Matthew could see him.

"Matt! She's onto us! Let me kill her when I have the chance!" Nathan yelled.

"NO!" Matthew cried.

"Matthew!" Stephanie cried, slapping Matthew back to reality.

"Huh? Oh..sorry, Steph." Matthew said, in an embarrassed tone.

Rachel and Stephanie looked at each other. They didn't know what was going on because they couldn't see Nathan. Only Matthew could see him.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strange ever since that day." Stephanie asked.

"Sweetheart, I promise you that nothings wrong. I'm fine." Matthew said, reassuring Stephanie.

Stephanie nodded her head, still concerned of her husband's condition.

A few minutes later, Stephanie had finished healing Rachel's wound.

"That should make it more comfortable. And, Rachel, if it gets too agressive, you may need to use salt." Stephanie told Rachel.

"That'll hurt." Rachel shuddered.

Rachel got up and went to the door.

"Thank you so much Stephanie! You as well, Matthew!" Rachel said, waving goodbye to them as she left the house.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to doing what I was gonna do before Rachel came here." Stephanie said, kissing Matthew and waking up to her room.

As soon as her door slammed shut, Matthew quickly ran to the lab to write down what had just happened.

"A girl had just walked into my house. She needed my help, desperately. Miss Rachel Jackson had a terrible oozing bruise that was caused by me/Nathan! As Stephanie tended to Rachel's wound, I began to realise how dangerous Nathan really is! I can't let him take over my body again! Who knows what he might do next!"

Matthew stared at the mirror to see Nathan standing there.

The dark part of him smiled darkly.

"You're not going to win this, Nathan!" Matthew said coldly.

But then, Matthew heard a voice in his head. Nathan's voice.

"But you're trapped with me now, Matthew." Nathan said to Matthew, laughing.

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