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A few days had passed. Matthew wasn't over what happened that night. Nathan wasn't over it either.

He knew that Nathan loved him. Even so, Matthew didn't know if he felt the same way about his dark side.

Matthew had suddenly realised that Nathan hadn't been let out that much. That put a bit of worry onto his face.

What would happen if Nathan was trapped inside his body for far too long?

He got his answer the very next day.

Matthew was just in his bedroom, when suddenly, he felt something unpleasant inside him.

"What's happening?" He thought.

Then, it hit him. The stomach pains returned, making Matthew scream.

"No...NO!" He grunted in pain, falling to his knees, as he felt the transformation happen again.

As soon as Nathan got up, he looked to the mirror to see Matthew.

"Nate?! What happened?!" The brunette cried.

"You kept me locked up for too long, Love. So, when that happened, I broke loose like a wild animal released from its cage, roaring." Nathan laughed.

"What are you going to do?!"

"Well, I don't know...probably just walk around L.A."

"Just...don't kill anyone.."

"Matt, I'm evil. Killing is what I do. Well, I only kill people who get on my nerves or try to hurt me."

"But...Rachel hurt did you not kill her?"

"I just got mad. Not mad enough to just kill her.."

"That...actually explains a lot.."

Nathan smirked. "Remember that I can't help it. It's an addiction."

"I'll try.."

"I love you, Matt.."

"I...I love you too, Nate.." Matthew said. I can't believe I just said that..he thought.

A Few Moments Later

"Ugh! That was awful!" A girl yelled. Her voice was Posh and very annoyed.

"But, Miss Rosemary. We had to take the motorcycles." One of her clients said.

"No we didn't."

"We'll be right back. There are Taxi's. That is if they aren't all shut down."

Miss Cruella Rosemary and her clients didn't notice Nathan in the dark alleyway.

Well, who would notice him? He was wearing black after all.

Nate knew something the clients didn't. It was late at night, meaning that all Taxis and Taxi HQ's were shut down. And the drivers had informed them not to take them.

"Hello there, Madame. What are you doing here? In weather that's so cold and murder like?" Nathan asked her, as Cruella turned her back, startled by Nathan's entrance.

"Just waiting for my clients."

"Well, they won't be back soon."


"All taxis are shut down. Your little friends will be a while."

"Ugh! Just get lost! You don't even sound sure!" Cruella snapped and Nathan.

That made Nate mad. She had to die.

"I trust you. I am VERY sure.." he laughed.

There was something about Nathan that confused Cruella.

"I'm sorry. look familiar to someone I know...a certain young boy."

"And his name is?"

"Matthew Patrick."

Nathan froze. This girl knew his light side? "How do you know him?"

"He was one of my little one day clients."

"That's good. I know him too. We are..very close...did you hear about his wife, Stephanie's unfortunate death?" Nathan said, trying not to give away the truth.

"Oh, I did." Cruella replied. "Truly tragic. Now, we must part ways. See you later."

Oh no she doesn't! She must die! She treated me like crap!

Nathan pulled out the same knife he used to kill Stephanie, and walked up to Cruella. That is, until he heard Matthew's voice in his head.

"Nate! You don't need to kill her!"

"I do! She yelled at me! And NO ONE yells at Nathan Sharp!" Nathan snapped. "And this way is not the same way I killed Steph!"

Walking up to Cruella, he smiled darkly.

"Cruella...walk this way." He whispered.

Cruella walked to a alleyway, and Nathan was behind her.

" you know how Stephanie died, Cruella?" Nathan asked her.

"She was killed."

"By whom?"

Cruella seemed to hesitate. """


Cruella noticed the knife, and she soon realised who Stephanie's killer was.

"She was murdered....BY YOU!!!!!"

Nathan laughed as he stabbed her.

However, when Nate made sure Cruella was dead, he open the cover of the sewers, and he threw Cruella into it. Acid was in it, which made sure that Cruella was actually dead.

"It serves her right." Nathan said, laughing maniacally.

A Few Moments Later (Again)

Matthew had regained control, and was traumatised about what Nate did.


"It was brutal. I know. But she deserved it."

Matthew thought that after Nathan had killed Stephanie, he'd stop killing.

Obviously, Nathan hasn't changed.

"But...I think I know how I can take both of our minds off of this.." Nathan said. "And you DID say you wanted to do it again.."

No! Not again! Matthew thought.

And then after thinking about it, he said something he would probably regret.

"Fine...we'll do it again...."

Good Or Evil?  (MatPat/NateWantsToBattle Jekyll and Hyde)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora