Chapter 10 : The end, or so we thought

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Its been a month and there was already five attempts to get me back by the hidden leaf and hidden sand. Its all bogus if you ask me. Today is the day. The day I die. The day I lose my life to my cousin and her husband. The day I leave everything behind but not by choice. The day I leave my father Kakashi. My best friends; Sakura and Naruto. I will never see them again. All I can do is pray that someone saves me. I don't want to leave. Not yet anyway.

"Mira. Its time." Says Konan's soft voice. I nod at her. "I'm sorry it has to end this way. If there was another way I would have chose that." She said. "Don't worry cousin. Everything will be OK. Look on the bright side of things yourll get a step closer to bringing peace to this world." I told her trying to convince her. She just sadly smiled.

We teleported to a new base. I sighed. I guess they not coming. This is really how it ends huh? Sad and lonely. Angry and depressed. Alone but not alone. Sad but happy. Disappointed but content. The words of my life and me nearing my end.

I heard a loud bang and I fell to the ground but got back up again. I have strength, Konan made sure I ate and stayed healthy but the cuffs didn't help. The smoke cleared up and the one and only stood there. The one I thought I'd never see again and the one I failed.
Sasuke Uchiha.

"Sasuke." I whispered. He looked at me and smiled sadly. He came to me at lightening speed and broke of my chakra draining handcuffs. "Let's dance." He said. I smiled. "Take the lead." I told him. He smirked.

We moved gracefully. Me twirling away from Pein's poles. I made ice poles of my own and I shot it at Pein. "You think that will defeat me!" He asked. "No but it did distract you long enough. Don't underestimate your opponent. Especially when she killed all of your duplicates." He was speechless. I smirked. "Ice release. Ice prison." I slammed my hands to the ground and ice engulfed him creating a prison he will probably die from hypothermia in a few minutes. "Crystal release. Crystal cage!" I placed my palm on the ice prison and the crystals created a net that not even a tailed beast could break through. It took me years to perfect that jutsu.

Konan was passed out on the floor and Sasuke came over to me. "Thank you Sasuke. You saved my life." I told him. "It was the least I could do after I left. But I promise, I will never leave your side again." He said. I smiled at him. "I wasn't gonna let you." I told him. I smiled and so did he.

We left the base and I took Konan out. I erased her memories and left her in a village. She won't remember me but its probably for the best.

"So where to from here?" I asked him. "How about there," I said pointing to a  field with Lotus's. "Or how about there." He moved my hand and the hidden leaf village came to view. "Really, we going back?" I asked him. "Yes I know you want to see everyone again. To be honest I miss that place too." He said. I smiled at him.

"Hidden leaf here we come."


The end.

Do basically they go back to the hidden leaf. They all like yayyyy yayyy and then she is like I also brought someone home. She moved back and Sasuke was there. And yayy yayyy yayy again. So they lived they life and Mira got married to Sasuke and had 3 children. Sakura got married to Lee and had 1 child.
Hinata got married to Naruto and had 2 children.
And the end.


The end of my book I love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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