Chapter 1

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It was a normal school day like any other. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and grabbed my lunch box before leaving the house to make the commute to school. The ride to school is long but I love the quiet time to myself that I get, at least when Na-chan isn't around. Na-chan is my childhood friend, she's super loud and overprotective with me, especially when it comes to boys. She says she only does it because I deserve only the best and not some stupid pervert like the guys in our class. I love her for it though.

"Ohayou, Kiko-chan!" "Ohayou, Na-chan." I say as I walk over to Na-chan, who's standing next to the school's gate. We began to fall into step with the rest of the students. "I heard that you went on a date with Chio last night. How'd it go?" I said to her. She pouted and turned away, "It was okay. We went to the arcade and then walked in the park together." I rolled my eyes and sighed, "What happened?" We took our shoes off at our lockers as she began to tell her story. "He was super rude at the arcade. He didn't act like a gentleman, he picked the prizes that he wanted and barley wanted to win me a stuffed animals!" She closed her locker and leaned against it as she sighed. "Na-chan, you're never gonna get a boyfriend if you keep setting the standards so high that they'll never be able to reach." "I know, I know but I just want to find the perfect guy, you know?" I closed my locker and we started to walk to class. "Someone like... Koto-kun?" She stopped and started to blush, " N-no!" "So Koto isn't your ideal boyfriend?" I glanced at her as we continued on. "I-I mean he isn't but- It's complicated!" I put my hand on the handle of the classroom door and before I opened it, I said, "You're just saying that because you don't want to admit that you like him."

"Hi Kiko, how are you today!" The boys in the class greeted me at the frame of the door. "Hi guys, I'm feeling great today! Thanks for asking!" I smiled at them then went to my seat with Na-chan following behind me, making sure that the boys don't follow me. I sat down at my desk and began to get ready for class to start.

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