Chapter 1

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"You're so sexy." He whisper in my ear bringing chills down my spine. I tried to scream but he had my mouth covered with his hand. "Behave you little slut." He shove his hand in my pants rubbing hard through my underwear. "Lets get you wet first." I struggle to get out of his grip but he was a huge man. "There we go." He smirks evily and spreads my legs then pulled down my jeans and underwear. I felt a huge pain down there and I bit his hand then screamed at the top of my lungs. My family ran in to the room I look at my dad and stand up running in to his arms while sobbing. "She tricked me. I thought it was you, Emma." Her boyfriend said and ran out of the room.

"Victoria, How could you? He is my boyfriend!" She pulled me from my dads arms and slapped me. "You jealous freak. Why can't you get your own boyfriend?" I cupped my cheek and then my mother slapped me on the other cheek.

"How could you do this to your sister?" Mom spat.

"He almost raped me how can you believe him? Dad you believe me right?" I look at him straight in the eyes and he nodded yes.

"Get dress sweetie, I need to make sure that bastard is behind bars." He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. "I love you and don't worry sweety you'll always have me." He walked out of the room and my sister pushed me against the wall.

"You are a slut!" I pushed her back but mother slapped me. "Don't you dare hit Emma, Victoria." She yelled at me like always.

"You two are so mean. He came in to my room and he almost raped me! Mother I'm your damn daughter you should believe me."

"Its not the first time you pretend to be me, Of course you planned this." Emma shouted at me and slapped me again.

"Stop!" I grab my clothes and ran in to the bathroom taking a shower. After the shower I heard my mom screaming so I ran downstairs and she was hugging my sister while they both cried.

"This is all your fault." My mother yells at me.

"What..What happened?" I asked.

"Dad is dead because of you. He went after Seth and ended up having a car accident. He is dead and its all your fault." Emma screamed and I got on my knees sobbing.

"Its your fault.."

I woke up and look at the time 6:56 in the morning. I sighed and layed down again I hate having those dreams. I just want to forget the past but it keeps haunting me. I look at the picture of my dad and I just can't believe 1 year has passed so fast since his death. I miss him so much he was the only one who loved me and now I'm stuck with my twin sister Emma and my mother. I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.


"Wake up." She screams making me jump out of the bed falling straight on the floor. She burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes so annoyed at her. "Ugh! What do you want?" I mumble as I stand up.

"Well as you know my boyfriend is coming today for lunch to meet you and mother." "Mhmm." I yawn and stretch my body clearly ignoring her.

"Look just wear something cute okay? He is not used to seeing freaks like you. You'll probably scare him away." She said then smirked.

"Have you forgotten that we are Twins?" I smirked back and she pushed me on the bed.

"Have you forgotten that I'm the cute one, I'm the popular one, I'm the one our family loves, I'm the one the worlds loves."

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