Chapter 3

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I was walking towards my lockers when somebody pushed my books from my hands. I kneeled down and grabbed the papers and books that fell. "Are you going to class?" I look up to see my Sister.

"Maybe, why?" I asked and she smirks.

"I need you to do me a favor." I stood up and continued walking just ignoring her. "You always want to make things harder for both of us." She kept yelling saying stupid things with her idiots friends until I snapped.

"Oh will you just shut up?" I shout getting everyones attention.

"Wait until mom hears about this." She whispered.

"I'm tired give me a damn break will you?"

"I need you to buy me these thing" She gave me a list.

"Are you crazy I can't buy beers. I'm barely 17." I gave her back the list.

"Oh come on sis I know you can steal them. It's just for a small party and if you want you can even come."

"No, thanks." I mumble.

"Fine, look what I have." She showed me a small bag of pills. "Get the things I asked for and I'll give you this."

"Where and how did you get those?" I asked because I know how much they cost.

"None of your business so get me the things I asked for and these will be yours." I nodded and she smirks. "Don't get caught." She laughs and gave me the list and money. I walked out of the school and started walking to the store.


I was on my way to a meeting when I saw Emma walking. I stop my car and got down. "Aye baby where are you going?"

"Its Victoria." She mumbles and how stupid was I to confuse her? Emma would never wear a long sleeve shirt with black Jeans and black vans.

"Oh..My bad." I chuckle. " Need a ride?" I asked her and she nodded no. "Don't be shy, Come on."

"I said no." She snapped at me and it started raining.

"So is it still a no?" I smirk and she sighs.

"Fine." She got in and she looked so uncomfterble.

"So where are you going?"

"First stop store." She said and then staid quiet.

"Why don't you speak? And when you do, You are really grumpy." I laugh and she didn't say anything. "Why so quiet?" She shrugged. "Uhm, tell me about yourself"

"There is nothing to tell." She mumbles now looking out the window.

"Really? How about what are your goals in life?" I asked and she stayed quiet still looking out the window. I was about to say something but she looks at me ready to speak.

"I don't have any." She whispers.

"What do you mean you don't have any?"

" finish school."

"What about college? Marriage, kids or-" she cut me off.

"Uhm haven't thought of that." She gave me a half smile. Atleast I made her smile.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked her and she nodded no while pulling on her sleeves covering her hands.

"Who would date me? I'm not the pretty one." She said softly.

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