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What would you do, if there was something that only you were capable of? Would you use your gift for good? For evil? Or would you simply treat it as another part of your life and move on?

Many young humans and monsters have had to ask themselves that very question, ever since the first's emergence. The first was known as Frisk, a young human found to possess an extraordinary ability; the power to rewrite time. It was through the first's actions that monsters were and humans came together, finally putting aside years of hate and war to live in peace. They later discovered that the young human used their gift to try over and over again until they found the desired solution.

However this child's actions had unforeseen consequences. While the exact nature of what caused the phenomena remained unknown, both humans and monsters knew that it was tied to the first's actions. It took quite some time before the effects were noticed, but eventually others began to display unique and unnatural abilities, just as Frisk did. Race was unimportant as both humans and monsters of any kind began developing these abilities.

Morality was unimportant as well, as these powers were used by some to help, others to harm. Some powered individuals became beacons of salvation, while others brought only suffering. Some of those that used their new gifts to help others sought to stop the actions of those misusing their gifts. And so the age of Supers began.

There were the heroes, those that fought for peace and justice. The heroes used their powers as servants of the greater good, fighting villainy and combating disaster whenever it struck. There were also the villains, those that fought for chaos or simply their own benefit. The villains could range from thieves to murderers, but the one common theme between them all is that they abused their powers to break the law and further their own selfish goals. And lastly, there were the neutrals, those that refused to choose a side despite being labelled a Super. These were people that didn't want or didn't care about their powers, simply wanting to live a normal life out of the spotlight. Some might use their powers in their work, but otherwise it was nothing more than a part of their private life.

No matter the side, those individuals using their powers in public took to hiding their faces, wearing unique costumes and adopting an alternate identity to prevent the public from knowing who they truly are. Even some neutrals wore costumes while they worked, operating under a mask and a stage name to maintain some privacy in their life.

With the emergence of these three factions of Supers, governments across the world were quick to put laws in place regarding each faction. Heroes were seen as civil servants, organized and led by themselves but ultimately overseen by the government. They would be held accountable for their actions, yet would receive access to resources they might not otherwise get. And the pay and benefits were quite good, essentially rewards for using their gifts for the betterment of society.

On the other hand, anyone identifying themselves as a villain would instantly be seen as a criminal. Given the nature of their powers, villains often couldn't be contained by normal prisons, requiring specialized facilities monitored by both heroes and the government. In addition, police forces were trained to deal with villain attacks, though for more dangerous villains any unpowered personnel were forbidden from engaging with them.

There were laws put in place for neutrals as well regarding the unsanctioned use of powers in public. If a neutral wanted to use their powers for work, it required a special license and notification provided to any involved, but otherwise power usage was strictly prohibited in public. That said, special facilities operated by heroes were opened to train neutrals how to properly control their powers, with the hopes of recruiting them as well.

In addition to the laws placed down, the Supers had many unwritten rules amongst themselves, known to all three factions simply as the code. Unmasking was seen as a highly taboo action among Supers, as doing so could endanger their family and loved ones, forever changing their private life. Another taboo was the forced recruiting of neutrals to either side, no matter the means used or the reasoning behind it, as they were taking away their freedom to choose. And lastly, in times of extreme crisis, neutrals and villains that offered their support were not to be punished or condemned for any actions in the past or present until the crisis passed. Those that broke the code, no matter their faction, were seen as the lowest of the low, often dealt with quietly to avoid further issues.

With the acceptance of Supers by the government, research into the nature of their existence became top priority in any scientific field. While the research done had yet to explain the true nature behind the emergence of Supers, there were a few things that had been discovered. Powers typically emerged in the younger years of a person's life, typically from 15-25, though younger and older cases were not uncommon. The chance of developing powers could also be influenced by genetics, as the children of Supers were much more likely to develop powers of their own. In the case of a Super's child developing powers, they were almost always related in some way to their parent's powers. The most notable case study in the field of genetic power transmission was of a young boy that could cause objects to levitate while his mother was capable of flight. Other than that, these powers remained a mystery.

The world slowly evolved to accept Supers as an almost everyday occurrence over the generations that came and went. Children would go to school wearing a shirt of their favourite hero, while their parents would nervously watch the news regarding the latest villain encounter. Meanwhile the bus driver taking them there or their teacher could secretly be a Super from any faction, living their everyday life as if they were normal.

And so within the age of Supers is where our story begins, in the city of Ebott, known for its exceptionally high monster population. Here, the heroes have consistently pushed the villains back, with none of exceptional strength rooting in the peaceful city...

Until now...


In all the Undertale fanfictions I've read, I've yet to see a single one involving superheroes and supervillains. I dunno, maybe I'm just blind.

Anyways, here's the start of my latest crazy creation. I should be updating this in tandem with Daemons, so in other words I'm insane and want to try having too many ongoing stories at once XD

I've taken a lot of inspiration for the hero and villain society from the story Worm. I highly recommend it if you want a hero and villain story that breaks the traditional rules of the genre and continues to throw unexpected twists and turns at you. It's not on Wattpad, google is your best friend if you're interested. Just a warning, it gets pretty dark and doesn't pull its punches at all. There is no such thing as plot armor in that story XD

I'm not sure how dark this story will get yet, as I kind of want this one to be a bit more of an experimental playground for me. We'll see how it goes I guess :)

Also, since I haven't figured much out yet on this book, what ships would you guys want? As a multishipper I'm pretty much open to anything, though I'm also lazy and if no one says otherwise I'll just go with the ships I've got for Daemons XD


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