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WARNING  and  FORWARD:  While the explicit scenes have been removed, the content  of  this story  includes scenes that may include or hint rape, gore,   incest, drug abuse,  forced captivity, physical and psychological   torture, sexual  domination, suicidal ideation, dehumanization, and   other potentially  triggering topics. DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE   OR SUSPECT YOU MIGHT BECOME TRIGGERED BY THESE TOPICS.

This story is a    psychological thriller that tackles the long- and short-term effects of    an extremely abusive relationship from the perspective of both the    perpetrator and the victim. The cycle of    abuse is escalated by both victim and perpetrator, hurting themselves    and each other as they pursue their toxic and mutually self-destructive    desires. The language and framing in the story itself is not always condemning what is taking place – only following the   perception of the  characters, so the harm is not always upfront or   clearly defined as  negative. I wanted to recreate the mollifying effect   this type of sexual  abuse can have in the framing of the story, but   this can come across as  romanticizing the abuse to those who have not   experienced the true  horror of it. For survivors, it can be   condescending and myopic to have  the morality of the abuse they've   suffered defined in such simple and  harsh terms and it can limit the   nuance of dialogue available to them.  I'm trying to avoid that by going   through the evolution of the "romance"  in my story according to the   actual feelings that people can experience  during these relationships--   the lack of control, the shameful  enjoyment, the dehumanization, the   compulsive recreation of abuse, and  the mental defense mechanisms that   can blur the lines between what is  good and bad.

This story may include graphic depictions of the following themes:
Dubious Consent/Sexual Abuse
Power Imbalance
Unhealthy, Abusive Relationships
Emotional Manipulation
Traumatic Bonding
Possessive Behavior
Mental Instability
Drug-Induced Sex
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Psychological Trauma
Drug withdrawal
Drug overdose
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Suicidal Thoughts
Forced Pregnancy

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