You're My Best Friend Part Three

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You blinked sleepily, as you said those words.
"I just don't wanna be alone forever." You finished softly, staring at the wall, facing away from Roger. You felt his arms wrap around you from behind, felt his presence soothe you slightly, he warming you up slightly, and you suddenly realised how cold you had been.
You woke up the next morning confused slightly, legs entangled with someone's, someone's arms wrapped around your waist loosely, and for a second, you thought you'd fallen asleep at Alec's, until you stretched, and your hands brushed against long hair - long hair which Alec didn't have. You blinked sleepily, turned, and were met with the sight of your blond best friend, snoring slightly, and last nights events flooded back.

You sighed, rubbing your sore eyes. You didn't particularly feel any better this morning, but nor did you feel heartbroken. You'd had four boyfriends in your time, each together for varying lengths of time, but when the relationship ended.... you'd never felt as though you'd had your heart broken. You'd felt heart break, of course you had. Just not with them.

"Morning." Roger yawned, giving you almost a fright, jolting you out of your musing.
"Morning." You smiled slightly, looking at him.
"Feel any better?"
You huffed slightly. "Less angry, but aside from that, no." You sighed a little. "Still waiting for my soulmate I guess."
"You'll find them, you know that, Aze."
"Well I've decided to swear off relationships for a while." You said quietly.
He waited for you to go on, eyes closed, but you could tell he was listening intently.
"I don't know - ever since we were teenagers I've just been in and out of relationships - and none of them have gone anywhere at all, really. I need a break. Need to focus on me, and trying to get out of my shitty job." You laughed slightly.
"I think that's good." He said simply, blinking at you.
"You think? I shouldn't be trying to find a husband, as my mother constantly tells me?"
"Well my parents say the same. A wife, I mean."
"I know. They were so desperate they asked us to get married last time I went over." You giggled, hating yourself for wishing that was a possibility.
"And what's so bad about me?" He faked hurt.
You pretended to think. "Well, really, it would be easier to list what's good about you. Shorter list." You joked, laughing as he pouted, mock upset.
"Fine, I don't want you to be my wife anyway." He huffed jokingly.
"And I don't want you to be my husband. I'll live alone, a spinster." You said dramatically, hand on forehead.
"I'm sure we can find you someone, eventually. Maybe a deaf person so they can't hear your awful jokes."
You pouted. "They are not as bad as your damn awful puns."
"My puns are great!"
"See, this is why we don't talk on a morning, we get into petty mock arguments." You sighed, burying your head in the pillow. "I'm going back to sleep."

Then the apartment door slammed, turned to Roger, eyebrows cocked.
"Oh shit, I forgot I said we'd have the band over to practice. I haven't moved my drums." He sighed, standing up, pulling on a random T-shirt.
"Tell them I said hi." You mumbled, as you heard Freddie's voice,
"Are you awake, Roger?"
"Yes, Fred, I'm just going to move my drums!" Roger said through the door. "One of you lot help me."
"I will." You heard Deakys voice, and the door open.
"Erm, Rog, you do realise you have a girl in your bed, right?" He said awkwardly.
You sat up, pushing hair out of your eyes. "Hey, Deaky."
"Y/N?!" He said, confused, looking between Roger and you.
"Y/N's in there?" Now Freddie was coming through the door, Brian not far behind.
"Wait, darlings, have you two finally got together?"He asked, slightly excited.
You flopped backwards. "No way Freddie, I just slept in here because I didn't want to sleep in my room."
"Likely story, Y/N." He laughed, and you glared slightly.
"It's true, Fred."
"Guys stop teasing her." Roger snorted. "The last time you did that so early in the morning, she almost killed you with a teapot."
"Yeah, I remember that." Brian mused. "You still haven't payed me back for that, by the way, Y/N." He laughed.
You smiled, forgetting for a few seconds last nights events. "Honestly, I did you a favour. You can't say it wasn't an ugly piece of ceramic."
"Okay, fairs." He conceded, as they began to remove the drum kit in pieces out of the room.
Freddie stayed, eyes glittering with amusement and confusion.
"So... real story?" He leaned against the door frame, as you heard the distinct crash of someone dropping a cymbal.
"Shit, Deacy, be careful." Roger exclaimed, probably diving to save the baby which was his drum kit.
You sighed, a little, as you messily made the bed, pulling on a jumper, to avoid feeling cold. You loved Fred, wholeheartedly, of course you did, but sometimes, he grasped into thin air. Point in case, he thinking that you and Roger had "undeniable chemistry."
"Of course Fred. He's my best friend. But nothing more."
"Really?" He questioned, moving further into the room, as you stood, arms crossed almost defensively. "I mean, come on darling, you sleep in the same bed, you're wearing his clothes, you hold hands and kiss each other constantly-"
"On the cheek." You mumbled half heartedly.
"As well as the lips."
You didn't like the way he made that sound.
"It's not like I'm snogging him Fred! It's a friendly kiss, it's normal!" You fought to keep your voice low.
"I don't kiss my friends like that."
"Well, I do."
"Only one 'friend'. I mean, come on, Aza, surely it's clear to both of you know how you feel about one another-"
"Freddie! Keep your voice down-"
"You do both have feelings, I think everyone just wishes you'd admit it and -"
"Freddie, please. Just once, leave it." Your voice had a slight tremor, and you hated yourself for letting the breakup affect you so much that you were willing to cry over this.
His face softened slightly.
"Okay, okay, I'll leave it. For now, anyway."
"I just..." he sighed. "Darling, I just want you to realise, you know? Before you get serious with Alex, or whatever he's called." Freddie didn't like Alec either, that was clear from his expression.
"Freddie, I don't like Rog. And Alec isn't a problem anymore even if I did-"
"Freddie we're ready for practice!" Brian's voice said from the other room.
"What do you mean, Aza?"
"We're finished." You completed, voice neutral, nail picking at a hangnail on your thumb, not looking in his eyes.
"Darling are you oka-"
"Freddie!" Johns voice sounded.
"I will be. Rog helped a lot." You smiled, but it faltered as you saw Freddie's 'I told you so' expression. You wished you hadn't said those words, because you knew it would only add fuel to Freddie's thoughts. As much you wanted him to be right about Rog's feelings, he couldn't be. And so you had never told Freddie your feelings for Roger, in fear that he'd let it slip to the boy.
"Freddie!" Brian bellowed.
He gave you a look that plainly said 'see what I mean?' as you mentioned Roger.
"You sure you're fine?"
You inhaled a little. "Not fine. But I will be. Just need to forget that chapter of my life, I guess."
He grinned jokingly. "You know who would help you forget-"
You laughed, your humour beginning to return, picking up a pillow and throwing at him.
"Shut it, Fred." You grinned, as he ducked behind the doorframe.
"Okay, okay." He said. "I surrender."

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