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The middle of the night. The snow falls heavy on this night. There was a group of friends hanging out near a fireplace in a house that was abandoned. There was Flame a hunter with a curse of being a hybrid (half human half wolf) then a girl named Vanessa (Flame's sister) then another named Kawaii who Flame and Vanessa found on their travels... its early spring and Flame is training with another they found in the cold winter named Cookie... They make it to a center city called Yharnam or home of the hunters. Flame knowing this area dreaded the sight of the center church... The nights of a blood moon were nights of dread. To Flame's horror this night was a night of a blood moon.. "welcome to Yharnam home of the hunters" says Flame. "Its so pretty" exclaims Kawaii. "Yeah.... pretty...." Vanessa says dreary.. The group walk into town and Flame sees a group of hunters.. "shit, you think he is still in that group v?" Flame says paranoid. Vanessa a bit groggy from her still being a bit tired shook her head no hopefully.. "Flame who are you talking about?" Asked a confused Kawaii. "I'm talking about the lead Hunter that is trying to hunt me down and kill off mine and Vanessa's kind" said Flame strictly.. The group pass by unoticable and grab food and supplies... A few hours later they get back to camp were Flame, Vanessa, and Kawaii all are able to let their "hidden" features out (wolf ears tail. Wings ect)... The girls all fall asleep however Flame didn't and for good reason to... The group got up early and left... A few moments later the hunters from in the city check their camp the leader named Grey.. "so your still playing your old games eh Flame... Well I'm getting Vanessa back" Grey mumbles to himself. The group lead by Flame rest at a waterfall not to far from the area they were at but only Flame knew of this area that was a mere death trap to get int without proper knowledge.. the group would spend a few days here... But the town wasn't safe

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