the life ever after

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i tried not to show though, in the inside i was cluelessly panicking the whole day for the fear that they might have figured out what  i did. if thats the case, than, damn. i'm in trouble.
so before i knew it, i found myself texting you.

i've put aside my dignity, my selfpride and ego and whatever noble value i kept so far, only so i could talk to you hoping you'd ease my worried mind.
hell, who'd think that way? we're not even friends anymore, we're more like strangers." stop screwing up your life girl!" that's what i said.

i try to move on, but something in my subconscious mind keeps dragging me back to you, no matter what i'm going through i honestly feel a burning urge to come tell you all abt it.

out of nowhere, when i'm missing u, (nd i miss you all the time) ur voice echoes in my silent mind. which is not cool at all! i keep fighting memories that come over me to wash me with nostalgia and some broken promises better forgotten.

But i still wonder,Does it ever come to your mind? That things might have gone better between us?

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