chapter one

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Sashi's POV
I am just a normal girl, or so I thought. I tend to stick to myself. I am in a book\drama club. We read the books, then act it out as dramatically as possible. I've been told that when I actually do talk to people I have a talent for being dramatic. I'm walking home from school. I get home and I hear my parents talking. I can tell they're talking about me, but I only caught bits and pieces. "They accepted her!....she will not be happy.........we have to do this........she'll forgive us someday...". I walked in and said loudly " I'll forgive you for what?" That made them jump. My mother smiled liked her jaws were glued that way. "Oh, there you are! I have great news!" She said."your idea of good or mine?"I replied. "It doesn't matter dear. The thing is.... YOU GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE SCHOOl!" She squealed hugging me tight. "Wh-what? Why would you aply for me to go in the first place!?!? I already said I want to stay here!" I yelled crying. "You'll forgive us eventually, so stop crying, and pack your bags" she said. I did as she said even though I didn't want to. I looked out the window of the house. Knowing I would never see it again. There was a bus outside. I started mentally yelling at the bus that had ruined my life. I called my friend and said that I had to leave the club because I had to go to The School. They started crying, saying they would miss me. I said i would miss them to. They said that no matter what happens not to forget them, and keep in touch. I promised I would, while blubbering like a toddler with a headache. I will find someway to contact them at least once a week. "Sashi time to goooooo! Come oooonnnnn!" My parents said, my mother looked pleased with herself but my father looked like he was crying as much as I was.
     I went outside where someone took my bag and stowed it on the bus. I felt like I was gonna puke. I sat down on the bus and looked out the window at the place I had lived most of my life to this point, and started crying again.


So I'll take this time to describe the character and The School. She has long dirty blonde hair with a natural streak of bright red in the front. She has bright green eyes. She can be very dramatic and stuborn sometimes, but normally has a reason. She lives in brazil, and speakers English and Spanish, but only speaks Spanish when upset.
   The School is a place with a huge man made lake in front. They decide some of the most important jobs in the whole world. Only one thousand people in the whole world are accepted into The School.

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