part three

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Translation of last time, sashi said, "calm down sashi it's ok you can do this" Tatiana said "you can do this, you have to or they will call you weak.

Sashi's POV
What did she mean only people we will see? I was so very confused, but I followed her nonetheless. She was talking but I wasn't listening. Something about a lake is all I got, I was looking around. After a whole hour of walking we stopped at a door. She said "for the next couple of days this room is your home." When we entered the room it had around five hundred beds in it. Each bed had a name on it, and mine was next to tatiana's, luckily.
"This will be you room for the next week" said the lady.
I got unpacked quickly and sat on my bed. I was lost, deep in thought when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Tatiana, with a sandwich. "Dinnertime" she said.
We ate in silence, which was wierd because Tatiana looked really sad. That doesn't seem normal for her. I asked her what was wrong and she got all defensive. I think she's got problems with jet lag maybe. I know it's making me tired. We talked for a few hours before kristal came over and started being snarky, big surprise.
She said "wait till the day after tomorrow, you'll be sorry for being friends with HER." She pointed to Tatiana. I stood up and said
"Get out of my face, I will not hesitate to force you away from me and my friend"
She growled before pulling her hand back to hit me. A few kids who had been listening stepped in and told her off for being a jerk. Pity, a fight might have been fun, but I guess doing the right thing might be a good idea.
We went to bed everyone wondering what would happen to us here in this place. Noone really knows but the graduates, and noone gets to meet most of them. I thought about this as I drifted off to sleep. This was certainly a dark seeming task.

The next morning Tatiana had a sad look, but was acting really happy.
"Sashi! Good morning. Were going to clases today. I dont know why. But class!" Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room and down a long hallway. The next several hours were filled with seemingly normal schoolwork. In fact, everything about this place seemed just a bit to normal... shashi didn't really trust it. On the last class, a history type class the teacher seemed just... slightly not human. His eyes were a slightly disturbing shade.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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