part 2

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I woke up to the sound of a loud crash in the next room, I sprang out of bed, I looked over to jimin do the same thing, we looked at eachother And nodded like talking with no words, we got out of bed and walked to the door, opened it but nothing was there jimin walked twords the stairs and I walked twords the rest of the rooms checking each one, I opened Namjoons door to find him on the floor and his side table nocked over.

I ran to him lifting up his head,

"Hyung, are you ok, what happened?" I was a little frantic.

"My head it's killing me, and my stomach hurts." He was slurring his words,

"Come on, your sick, you need to get back in bed." I helped him up and put him in bed, " I'll be back in a minute, don't get out of bed" i gave him my bunny smile and walked out, I walked downstairs to the living room where I conveniently found everyone,

"Guys Namjoon hyung is sick, Jin can you call the doctor and I'll get some soup and stuff like that I could take care of him today ok"
I said then walked to the kitchen

"I'll call the doctor, since he's sick we won't have practice, I guess we can just chill today besides we need the time off." Jin spoke then got up and called the doc. I walked into the kitchen and got a bowl of cold water and a rag then got a bowl of chicken soup and made my way back upstairs stopping at the medicine cabinet to grab DayQuil then continuing on.

I walked in and set the things in his dresser then walking over to pick up his side table and cleaning up then putting the items on his side table so their easier to reach, I poured the medicine in the provided cup,

" Here joonie hyung it will make you better," I handed him the cup and he drank it sitting up in bed,

"Thanks kookie, you know you don't have to do this" he patted my head lazily.

"Ofevourse I do I'm the golden maknae," I smiled and ripped the rag in the water, I pushed his shoulder to make him lay down, and put the cold rag on his face,

"Your running a fever, you need to rest." I layed the blanket over him, then Jin came in the door

"The doctor will be here in a couple hours." He smiled and walked out,

"I'll be back in a little while to check on you ok" I patted his shoulder and he nodded, so I walked out and went downstairs we decided to put on a movie and chill, I soon fell asleep on the couch thinking about joon hyung.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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