Promise ring

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"Jisoo, when we're still single when we hit 30, let's marry each other instead"

Jennie had woken up to the coldness of her bed, dream slowly blending in with the reality of her just grumbling like a cat as her girlfriend would often compare her with. Though her dream seem to be more of a déjà vu, the absence of her brunette kept her out from remembering the dream.

It wasn't unusual for her to wake up with Jisoo already gone. The girl had just finished her residency and is now officially an attending, a fellow under Kim Junmyeon. Though, it never sat well for Jennie knowing her girl is under him. Not with the history they've gone through and fights they had with each other just because of that guy. Jisoo didn't have a choice, however. Jisoo wanted to learn from the best, and she promised her she's keeping things professional with him.

And Jennie trusts her.

With her mind, body and soul.

Her heart.

Heck Jisoo could tell her a hundred things and Jennie would believe her in an instant, even if all of them's a lie.

The years Jisoo spent on residency wasn't an easy road to trek. Even before Jisoo entered residency, they had to compromise a lot if it meant staying together. Jennie being a freelance model and music producer, with Jisoo being a resident, things were bound to fall out.

Their schedules barely match. Jisoo arriving home as Jennie had just left or Jennie arriving home as Jisoo was just about to leave. And oh no, let's not get started with that goddamn pager. It felt like it only goes off when they finally get to have a romantic dinner after 8 months.

It's not because the patients always eat Jisoo's time that wrecked havoc in their relationship. It's the fact that Jisoo's working under Junmyeon, the one guy that always gets under her skin. She was convinced the guy wanted to mess their time together on so many occasions.

Though, their arguments always fall under the same topic. It's always about Junmyeon. Or, that's what Jennie thinks. Because Jisoo would always counter her about that photographer or that other model, to which Jennie can't see a reason for her to be mad about. How can she look at someone else when Jisoo's literally the face that launched a thousand ships.

She thinks Jisoo was being petty, and Junmyeon is a different case. Because they had a history, far deep in the books of never-to-be-remembered-again, so she thinks it was only imperative for her to have doubts.

But all those arguments are worth it. The tears, the broken vase, the hole in the wall, the days they woke up with swollen faces. They were all worth it. At least Jennie's sure it was worth it. But she trusts Jisoo when she says "You're worth it"

And they're all in the past now. They're on their 9th year, pushing 10th this coming August. They've always known they would come this far. It was just a matter of making it happen.


Jennie reached out for her phone, immediately greeted by a notification coming from Jisoo.

Jisoo: Hey, I need to tell you something important. Let's have dinner at Jungsik Dang. I'll be there by 7pm. I'm already at work

The text seemed odd to Jennie. The older would usually greet her good morning, with a bunch of hearts and kissing emojis. She wondered how important this talk is, especially on her birthday

Jennie received tons of Birthday greetings, and she thanked them all. Though, it sank her heart a little that none of them were from Jisoo.

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