Chapter 19

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Song of the chapter: bandito by twenty one pilots


Today was the year 11 prom, signifying the end of the hellish rollercoaster commonly known to British pupils as GCSE's. It meant change, getting together one last time as a year group and having conversations with people you knew you would never see again. How fun. Oliver couldn't quite bring himself to understand the appeal, he didn't really want to say goodbye to anyone, the only one he hoped he would talk to throughout the night would be Josh and he knew that this wouldn't be the last time he saw him. But he knew it meant a lot to Josh. Josh had loads of friends in their secondary school, so realistically he would probably never contact half of them again once they left.

Oliver was sitting in Josh's room whilst his boyfriend showered. Josh's mum had insisted on making a huge deal out of Oli being Josh's prom date, buying them matching suites and practically forcing them to pose for awkward pictures together before they left.

"You're not regretting saying yes to this are you, Ols?" Josh asked as he emerged from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at the boy who was sat silently on the bed, already dressed up in his black suit and white shirt.

Oliver shook his head.

"I would do anything for you Josh. Even go to some shitting prom full of people I don't like." Oliver replied sweetly as he looked up from the floor.

"Good because we're going to have a lot of fun together tonight." Winked Josh jokingly as he went over to the wardrobe and began getting dressed.


The drive to the venue was basically silent. It had taken the boys almost an hour to get out the house with Josh's mum gushing about how cute the boys looked together and taking about a hundred photos of them together. At one point she even made them kiss in front of her so she could take a photo, it was uncomfortable on say the least. Josh's sister was less enthusiastic about the situation, practically death staring Oliver the entire time as she watched the entire scene unfold.

They both stepped out of the car. Making their way to the set of double doors with their hand interlocked. The venue was nice; a small mansion type building surrounded by a huge flower garden. The pavement was lined with a red carpet, framed by golden metal poles that held up fancy red rope. The two boys walked slowly to the entrance, Josh smiling in reassurance at the brown eyed boy as if he could sense his hesitation.

Loud music blasted over the chatter of excited teenagers, each one dressed up in some fancy suite or elegant dress. Each girl was caked with a layer of makeup, most of them looking like walking wotsits as they tried to look shaggable in front of the boys. It was quite funny to Oliver, actually.

"I love you." Whispered Josh into Oliver's ear before he pulled him into the crown, pushing the taller boy into the crowd of hormonal, weary teenagers. Josh did his lame attempt at dancing as Oliver moved his head to the music uncomfortably as he relaxed slightly to the shitty pop music.

Suddenly the tone of the room dropped as a slow song came on. Josh softly grabbed Josh's shoulder with one hand, intertwining their hands with the other. Oliver placed his hand on Josh's waist instinctively as they moved slowly to the calming music.

Around them people started to dance with one another too, creating a ballroom feel throughout the dance floor. Josh smiled when he locked eyes with Oli's, leaning in to kiss his slowly. Their lips danced as their bodies did, slowly and elegantly. Oliver smiled into Josh's mouth, pulling away and leaning his forehead against his boyfriends. He though about how perfect their hands felt together and how soft Josh's wait felt against the palm of his hand. He looked into the see of bright blue before him and he bright smile that made his mood light up instantly. The way that Josh's nose scrunched up when he laughed. The way he cuddled up to him when they slept in the same bed together.

Everything about him was perfect.

"I wish I felt like this all the time." Breathed Oliver as he closed his eyes.

"Like what?" Asked Josh, bringing both hands up to Oliver's shoulders so that he could comb his fingers through the stands of soft hair that lay there.

"Like everything is perfect. Like I belong somewhere. I always feel like that when I'm around you Josh." Oliver sighed, moving both his hand to Josh's waist as they swayed against each other to the beat.

"Stay with me then."

"I will. Forever."


This is short and unedited but thank you so much for reading. The amount of exposure this is getting is i n s a n e to says it is my first book. Honestly, I've never gotten so much support on anything before.

I've been trying for years to find something to be proud of, I didn't think it would be a story that came from an idea I had at 1am on a school night.

If I became serious on YouTube would you watch me? I actually have a channel but I can't find the motivation to upload anything serious so nothing I post gets views. But maybe if everything I posted didn't flop so bad I would actually try. If you want to check it out my name is niamhdoesstuff (tho I wouldn't recommend watching the videos from years ago that are already there).

Well that's the end of this chapters rant. Thanks for reading x

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