The Professional Lover II

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This one is really amazing. Once again kept me on edge. There were a lot of curve balls and an underlying plot. She created another amazing, unique story that I don't think could ever be replicated. It's a one of a kind story that is just fucking creative! 


Grinding on a fat, old man's lap for money wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I left home, but neither was twenty-six thousand dollars per year in tuition and fees....Maggie is a college student working as a stripper in Las Vegas when a close friend approaches her with a proposition. High-end escorting. Desperate to gain independence and pay off a variety of debts, the offer seems more than tempting. Cut off from her family and their illegally-gained wealth, she decides to make money with the only thing that is truly hers: her body.As she pursues a profession in prostitution as a way to regain control of her life, her dark past comes back to haunt her, throwing quite a wrench into her plans. Maggie tries to mask her previous losses with love in its various forms. But what is the reality of finding true love when your job is getting paid to sleep with other people? ... 

*Frequent explicit sexual content, intended for 18+ audiences ONLY. This story is stand alone. You DO NOT need to read the first story prior to starting this one. Please remember to vote and comment if you want more!


I seriously applaud her work because it's so detailed but not in a way that makes you bored because of the amount of detail. She knew what she wanted to give the readers and showed it to us. Follow her and read her stuff because it's nothing like what I've read before! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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