Day One

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I wake up, and I'm not in bed. "Willow, your awake!" My older brother Wilson says. "Yeah, where are we?" I ask. "I don't know, I just woke up, and saw you lying on the ground sleeping, and I didn't know if I should wake you up." Wilson says. I then realize we were in a forest. Alone. "Wilson, I don't want to be here!" I say, starting to cry. He hugs me. "It'll be okay, I'm here for you." "How'd we get here?" I ask. "I don't remember." Wilson says, "c'mon, let's go get some wood." I nod, wiping the tears from my eyes. He put his hand in mine, and we started to walk. He let me go, and got some grass. I got some sticks. "This was in my pocket." Wilson said, holding a box of matches. I took his grass and the box. "Hey, what are you doing?!" He yells. "Calm down" I say, "I have an idea." I wrap the grass around a stick, and light it up. "Aw, why didn't I think of that?" he asked. I laughed a little, "I dunno, but you used to say you were smarter than me, and I just proved you wrong again." I said, gaining confidence. He groaned, "stop bringing that up." "yeah, when you admit that I'm the smart one." I say. "you sure are stubborn." he says quietly. I ignore him, and we keep walking. I see something shine, and I run to it. "Flint!" I yell. Wilson runs to me. "Why do we need it?" he asks. "to create tools, didn't you pay any attention when dad taught us survival skills?" I ask. "yeah, I know how to make a fire with matches and wood." he said defensively, then quietly, "other than that, no." I laugh, "so I'm the leader here?" I ask. "No, I'm still a better fighter!" he yells. "sure." I say sarcastically. "What do you mean by that?" He asks. "Every time we fought as kids, I won." I say. "yeah because I let you." he says. "and you call me stubborn?" I ask. "okay, Fine...We're both stubborn." he says. "agreed." we continue to collect grass and sticks. "Hey, Wilson, I need more flint, do you have any?" I ask. "yeah, here you go." he gives me the flint.  I build an axe. "wait, how'd you build that?" Wilson asks. "I payed attention, remember?" I asked. I start Chopping down a tree. Once the tree falls, I chop it into logs, and give the logs to Wilson. "why do I have to carry this?" he complains. "because you claim your stronger, plus I'm the leader." I say, as I start collecting stones. I use the spare grass to weave together a bag to put the stones in.  "I never agreed to let you be leader!" Wilson Says. "yeah, yeah, rant on, I'm still better than you at everything." I say dismissively. It was evening. "we should find a place for camp." I say. "yeah, let's build camp on that rock." Wilson suggests.  we walk to the rock, and climb up it. "its kinda nice up here." Wilson says. "sure" I say, "let's just build a fire. You claim you know how to do it, so go ahead." I say. Wilson puts the logs in a circle, and says, "find some small rocks." I roll my eyes. "have you really not been paying attention? I already have some rocks." I say. "I knew that." Wilson responds. "Sure you did." I say, rolling my eyes again. Wilson starts the fire, and I build us beds out of grass. Wilson's stomach roars. "hey, do you have anything to eat?" I toss him some food. we eat in silence. After we finish eating, Wilson volunteers to guard. "sure, let the one who doesn't know anything about survival guard." I say. "Willow, let me do this, you said I'm stronger. plus I know your tired." He says. I sigh, "Alright, but if I die, I'm going to kill you." I say. Wilson laughs, "Deal." I lie in my bed, and close my eyes. I fall Into a dreamless sleep.  Then I wake up to Wilson shaking me. "Willow, get up." I groan, "what?" "It's your turn to guard." I groan again, and get up. I sit by the fire, trying not to fall asleep. I stare at the fire. It's so beautiful. I stare at the fire for the rest of the night.

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