Phoenix Rising

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Harry pushed open the door to the Head Common Room. He couldn't think of a better name for it, so that would have to do. He actually kicked the door open, once he'd somehow manoeuvred the door handle down. With his knee, no less. He was actually quite pleased with himself for the achievement. His hands were out of action, already occupied, weighed down with an armful of heavy textbooks.

"Harry! Its about time! I thought you'd forgotten the way."

"Excuse me, this is my third trip up and down those stairs," Harry protested. "You try doing this without magic."

"I have, for seven years," Hermione pointed out. "Just because you never checked any books out of the library..."

"I would have, but you had them all!"

Hermione poked her tongue out at him, so adorably cute that Harry ached at the sight. It stilled his grouchiness in a heartbeat.

"I offered you my satchel. Just because kittens aren't your thing...its not my fault."

Harry frowned down at Hermione, who was smirking up at him from one of the couches in the room. She already had a ring of open books around her. They looked like paper satellites to Planet Hermione. There were yet more on the table, haphazardly stacked, most with rolls of parchment tucked between pages and trailing to the floor.

Harry was overwhelmed by the sight. It was as if Hermione was trying to catch up on all her subjects at once. And there were a few.

"Is there any subject you aren't taking?" Harry asked wearily, as he tipped his latest armful of books into a spare armchair.

"Careful with those!" Hermione shrieked. "Some of these volumes are ancient!"

"I think you'll be ancient by the time you get through this lot," said Harry waving his hand at what looked like half the library dotted around the room. "You are allowed time off, you know. You were badly injured."

"That's no excuse," said Hermione curtly. She began chewing the end of her quill. "I may not be able to move properly just yet, but that doesn't mean I can be idle. I've missed enough classes already. I'll be so behind."

Harry shook his head with an exasperated sigh. "Anything I can help with?"

Hermione looked over at him, smiled shyly. "Just be here with me. Keep me company."

"I can do that," Harry replied. He quelled a nervous flutter. "But wait - are you trying to say I can't help you? Or do you just not want me to. I'm not that bad, you know."

"Of course you're not," said Hermione lightly, not quite meeting his eye. "Homework proficiency's not high on your skill set though, is it?"

Harry wanted to argue, but he didn't want to lie to Hermione. She was right, of course. But he wasn't the kind to give up so easily.

"Come on, try me," Harry challenged. "I might surprise you."

Hermione cocked her head at him, narrowing her eyes. "I'm suspicious."


"You, that's why," said Hermione, studying him. "Wanting to help me with my homework. Its the wrong way round. What are you up to?"

"I don't know where the trust went between us," said Harry, shaking his head in mock indignation. "I'm not up to anything. I take it back. I'm too hurt to help you now. I don't try and do something nice for an invalid..."

Hermione made a face at him. Harry smirked back. "My body's broken, Harry, but my mind's as sharp as ever. Your forget how well I know you....hmmm. Fine. I still say this is shady, but if you really want to help, lets see what you know."

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