A Covenant Darkly

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The news that Harry Potter was officially going out with Hermione Granger didn't just dominate the gossip vines around Hogwarts. It made headline news within a few short days. The Hogsmeade Village Times was the first wizarding media outlet to cover the story, after an eager-eyed JournoWitch spotted them canoodling in a booth at the Three Broomsticks. Harry blamed himself. He found he had very little restraint where Hermione was concerned and every moment not spent kissing her or touching her, in even the smallest of ways, was an abomination against nature. For her part, Hermione didn't seem to mind in the slightest. But Harry, mindful of her exposure her to censure and ridicule as a result of their relationship, resolved to redouble his efforts to be more discreet.

By that point it was a little late. Within seventy-two hours the story had made the front page of the Daily Prophet and by the middle of the next week both Harry and Hermione were receiving daily owls from Witch Weekly with repeated requests for interviews. They were threatening a multi-page feature on the Wizarding Worlds' hottest new celebrity couple, whether the pair themselves liked it or not.

"Another waste of good parchment," said Harry, tossing another ignored entreaty into the fire of the Head Students communal room. "You'd think they'd get the message by now."

"Actually, I pretty much expected this, Harry," said Hermione, absently stroking the back of his free hand where it was wrapped around her waist. "They haven't even published the story yet. You sort of have to admire their persistence."

Harry scoffed. "Excuse me, but I have no admiration for these hacks. They've told as many lies about me as truths over the years. You too, don't forget."

"And they probably will again, if we keep ignoring them. Maybe we should just consent to one, get it over with. They'll likely twist it either way, but at least we might get some level of control over the information that gets out."

Harry bristled but had to accept there was some merit to that. In fact, of all the stories which had ever circulated about him, he found himself secretly pleased at this one. Despite his concern over the attention and grief Hermione might get as his girlfriend, he actually wanted to show her off, announce it to the world and let everyone know she was his. Particularly the two absent Weasley children. This was something he and Hermione both shared an interest in and, to Harry's immense joyful surprise, it was she who was more keen to have them know about this happy new development.

"I bet Ron and Ginny must know by now," Harry mused. "The articles in the Prophet are still dominating the gossip columns. I wonder what they think."

"I hope they are seething," said Hermione maliciously. "I cant wait to see Ginny's face when she sees me on you arm. I cant wait! I hope she's tamping. Stomping around like a little child who's lost her dummy. I'll laugh right in her face, then kiss you senseless right in front of her."

"Just before you curse her to bits."

"You'd better bloody believe it. But I'll leave enough of her to rot in an Azkaban cell."

In that moment, Harry appreciated that Hermione Granger would make a formidable enemy. He hugged her tighter to him and leaned back against the couch of the communal room. This, for him, was utterly perfect. No out of control passions or vigorous carnal lust. That would come later, when both were comfortable enough in their new roles with each other, and recovered from their various physical and emotional malaises.

But for now, this was pure bliss.

Harry had never known such contentment as he found with Hermione snuggled against him, his arms enveloping her, drawing her impossibly close to him. It was never enough. He always wanted to get her even the tiniest bit closer, as if trying to draw her into his very self. His longing for her was immense, even when she was in the same room. He wondered that he'd resisted it so much before. But they'd agreed not to regret, so he wouldn't. Regret was a negative and they wouldn't allow that in the relationship. They'd make up for lost time and soon their time together would eclipse the time spent apart and it wouldn't matter anymore.

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