One In a Life Time Chapter 3

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(April's pov)- All i could think about was what I was suppost to tell Bruno that I didn't get a chance to tell. I was going to tell him.... Oh whats the point!!!!! He will found out when he sees them a over my thighs. Then hes going to hate me and never wanna talk to me again. I guess Bruno caught me thinking so he inturupped me in the middle of my thought.

"April what are you thinking about??"

"Oh nothing."

I think he saw me tear up so he stopped asking me questions. I told Bruno I had to go that I couldn't be there anymore. I was on the verge of crying so he said he would take me home. But I told him I wanted to go to his house. He just gave me a look but said ok. As we were driving to his house he keep looking at me, I was second just looking out the window with tears in my eyes. When we got to his house he told me to wait a second that he would be right back because he had to put Geronimo into his cage. I started to cry and when he cane back I had my knees up, hands on my knees and my face in my hands sobbing. He opened the door and carried me into the house and set me on the couch. I started to stop. When I looked up he was starring at me with them beautiful brown eyes of his and I told him i was sorry.

(Bruno's pov)- I didn't understand why April was crying. I just sat on the couch next to her and stared. When she looked up I could tell thst there was something wrong. I went to ask bit she put her finger to my mouth pretty much telling me to shut up. I wanted to know what was wrong. But she started to kiss me. So i was kissing back I mean that's the polite thing to do. I was starting to shift on top of her, I was slowly sliding her dress up. But then she grabbed my hands and pushed me off of her.

" Did i do something wrong??"

" No Bruno I just didnt think you wanted to go fast that's all. Can i have a drink??"

" Sure thing."

" Bruno??"

" I'm coming!!!"

(April's pov)- It was the next morning and I was passed out on the couch with Bruno. I texted my mom to come pick me up and she did. I left a note for Bruno with my number on it. When i got home I took a shower and just layed in bed all day. I was just about to pass out when my phone started to ring. I looked at it and I didn't recognize the number but i answered it anyway.

"Is this April??"

" Yes who is this??"

" It's Bruno BABY!!!!!!"

" Oh hi"

" What's the matter??"

"Nothing i'm fine."

"Ok well I was wonderinf if you wanted to go out with me tonight??

" Why not. Pick me up at 8:00??"

" See you then bye."

I didn't say bye I just hung up. My mom was yelling at me for something i didn't even do. I got so upset because of my depression. So I locked my door and went into my bathroom and took out my blade and 1 cut... 2 cut... 3 cut... 4 cut... When I was done I cleaned up the floor and I looked at the clock it was 7:30. SHIT!!!!!!! I have to get ready!!!! My legs were sore and they hurt. So i wore black dressy jeans and a nice shirt, even thoufh it was 95 degrees out. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door.....

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