Chapter Five: Four

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We were three for such a long time it was weird to think that we were four now. We weren't expecting her she was our little surprise. She was hope that would save our marriage, strength to keep us together, and love that would be plentiful.

It was a rainy day. Justin and I were at home when I started to get the contractions. I didn't say anything at first. I wanted to be sure that it wasn't a false alarm. Two hours past. I was making a fruit salad when my water broke. I yelled out to Justin that it was time.

He quickly ran to go get Joey and our hospital bag. I tried to keep calm. Justin did his best to drive fast, but safely.

"Mommy what's wrong?" Joey asked me.

"I'm fine honey," I replied. "It's just that Jasmine is coming. Joey you're going to be a big brother today."

"Mommy everything is going to be okay," Joey said.

"My wife is in labor," Justin explained to the lady at the desk. She grabbed the phone and called someone. She grabbed a wheel chair.

"How long have the contractions been going on?" She asked me.

"About 3 hours now and my water broke. The contractions are about 15 minutes apart," I responded. She took me to a room. After a few hours, I finally got to hold her in my hands. Jasmine was so beautiful. Her tiny hands were curled to make a fist. She looked so beautiful asleep. She weighed 7 lbs and 7 oz.

We were three for such a long time. Becoming four brought more opportunities to grow as a family. I don't know what the future has in store for Justin and I, but I hope we are still together. Marriage is such a hard thing. We have been through a lot together and I know that we will go through more.

I thought raising Joey was going to be hard. It was, but it was filled with such memorable moments. From his first word to his first step. Joey has grown into a nice young man. He is seventeen now. He looks so much like his father.

Jasmine is thirteen now. She is in the seventh grade. She's daddy's little girl. Justin loves to spoil her. People say she looks like me, but I think she looks like Justin.

We didn't have any more kids. We decided two beautiful children were enough. We are almost done raising them. We only have a few more years to enjoy being parents. It's going to be weird once they have started their own lives.

I'm going to be sad when they leave. Justin and I will just be two again once they are all grown up. I didn't know what life was going to be like. Justin and I have been together for 22 long years. People say fairy tale endings don't exist, but I wouldn't agree with them because I've found my happily ever after with Justin.

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