Saying Hi

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Goddamn, walking to the shops is a nightmare I don't even want to think about, thought Oliver as he watched his neighbor walk out of his house with some unused shopping bags.

He was sitting in the dark, leaning against his dark tinted bedroom window, which was how he liked to spend his weekends at home. He thought again about what his few friends would do if he actually told them what he was.

Oliver, unbeknownst to everyone but his family, is a vampire.

His mother, Carline, was as stoic as they come, praying to the Dark God every Sunday and trying to keep the family secret what is was, a secret. His father, Roland, on the other hand, was extremely laid back. Well, as laid back as you could be with Carline as the head of the family. 

Oliver heard a knock on his door and turned around to see his father leaning against the door frame.

"Spying on the neighbors again, Olly?" He said.

Oliver replied, "He was only going shopping. For the fourth time this week."

His father silently agreed and left the door frame. Oliver groaned and stood up to shut the door. Why can't he just shut my door? He thought. I think he wants me to suffer. He shut his door and went back to brooding against his window.

~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKKKKIP~~~~~~~~~~

Oliver woke to a noise from down the street. He shook his head side to side to wake himself up and he looked out of his window.

What he saw actually surprised him.

The noise came from the ramp of a moving truck across the road. He watched intently as the new family helped move their belongings into the newly bought house.

Oliver's vision unfocused for a while before his attention snapped to the person finally getting out of the car. A young woman, around his age, extricated herself from the car and while untangling her headphone cable from itself, moved inside the two story house. 

His eyes couldn't stop staring into that girl's beautiful straightened pine-bark colored hair as he wondered what it feel like running through his hands.

NO, he screamed to himself in his head, just because I've never actually see many girls, doesn't mean that I can fall in love with one straight away. He went to lie down on his bed but got interrupted halfway by his mother telling him to get to dinner.

He groaned for the second time that afternoon as he opened his door and walked down the stairs to the dining room.

"What took you so long, Oliver?" Carline questioned.

"Well, I was about to have a rest before you yelled dinner, so yeah," He replied.

"Yeah what? Yeah I was going to be good? Yeah I was going to try to be prepared?" His mother retorted.

"Okay, okay mother I get it, I get it! You don't have to be like this every time I do something even slightly wrong!" Oliver said, heatedly.

His father cut in, "That is no way to speak to your mother before dinner!"

He added in an undertone to Oliver, "You can do it after dinner."

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