Chapter 9 : Final battle

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A/N : Yeah, sorry i haven't updated this in a while. I promised that i would complete this last week but... The lunar new year came and i had to spent time with my family. And i catch a cold during it so I couldn't do anything...I truely apologise and yeah let get to the semifinal chapter of this book. And the ost is for later but u guy can listen to it if u like. Disclaimer : This ost belong to "The Seven Deadly Sins" 

Author's POV :

A loud sound was heard as the door of the pizzria was burst into the place. Then a dark bear figure enter the place, behind he was 5 other figure : a dark shadowy, a firey figure, a water like figure, a figure made out of stone and a certain bunny. They then march to the main where everyone was.

"That were them ! They are here." Ignited said

"What do we do ? If the thing yoiu said about them was true. How can we supposed to fight them ?" Fredbear asked

"With trap ! I know their weaknesses we just have to make a trap to each of them and we will have split up. Now , i will distract them while you guy make the traps." Ignited sai and hand each of them the plan. 

"But there is one problem. Darkness has no weakness, we had to face him face to face and i have to tell you it gonna be brutal." Ignited said

"We know and we gladly taking that risk. For our friends and families !" Springtrap said. 

"For our friends and families ! " The others chorused.

"Alright ! Everyone to their station and wait for my signal." Ignited said and the others noded.

Ignited then go and greet the unwanted guests.

"Hey gentlemen. What are you guy look for ?" Ignited greeted

"Non of your business traitor !" Darkness growled

"Don't be so rude pop. After all i am one of your creation." Ignited teased

"I wish I had never create something like you. A traitor !" Darkness shouted.

"I'm not betraying you. I'm just doing what i had been told. You said i need to follow Light's every order and i'm doing it. And he told me to protect this place." Ignited said

"Time, i will leave you deal with your own brother. We got bigger thing to do." Darkness said.

"Yes pop ! Sorry brother , it's will end here." N.Springtrap said

"It's ok. But Everything has to end NOW !" Ignited shouted then dash forward with his sword. Darkness and the other then proceed to go forward. Ignited swing his sword at N.Springtrap but it was stop by a spear. 

"Nice try. But not good enough !" N.Springtrap said as he control the floating spear to attack Ignited. 

"You are still as tough as ever." Ignited said as he block the attacks from the spear. 

"Devine Spear Glatica, Third form : Frost." As N.Springtrap said that the spear become icy, almost like pure ice but more deadly. He controls it to attack Inigted. Ignited doudge the attack and the attacks land on the floor, and immediately the floor where it hit become from frozen and ice glacier growing out of it.

"No mercy , That you alright." Ignited said as he caught his breath.

"You should have known, you're my brother. But it end here. Devine spear Glatica, seventh form : Infinity chain. " N.Springtrap said and change the spear into a deadly black chain. A spear head chain pop up from the ground and stab Ignited in the stomatch which make him fall on his knee.

"You shouldn't have fought us brother." N.Springtrap said. 

"I know i can't beat you but i can't hold you back for the other." Ignited said as he pull the chain out of his stomatch.

"If you join us we will, have mercy on you brother." N.Springtrap said

"Enough chit chat ,Are we gonna fight or not ?" Ignited said.

"Very well, good bye brother." N.Springtrap said as he charge his next attack at Ignited.

"AAAAAGGHHHHH" Ignited shouted as he charge at N.Springtrap with his sword

Meanwhile , Darkness and the other head to the hallway.

"From here we will , split out to find that hiden room and those pests that held the keys." Darkness said and they splitted out.

Darkness entered the main hall where he encountered Fredbear and Springtrap. Rosy and Ocean hiding behind them

"Good morning gentlemen. Would you kindly hand me those girls" Darkness asked

"Never!" Fredbear said

"Yes, we never give them to the monster like you." Springtrap said.

"Shame, i have asked so nicely. Boys ! Our targets are here." Darkness called out but no one responsed.

"They have been defeated." Freddy said as he and the others walk in.

"Ignited have sacrified himself for this plan. We wouldn't let his efforts go to waste." Bonnie said.

"Why all of you have to stand in my way ?" Darkness

"Cause we have to protect our friends and families !" Fredbear said.

"Ocean, Rosy run. We have to face him alone." Springtrap said and Ocean and Rosy run away. They then bump into someone.

"It's you !..."


"Stay out of my way and i will spare you all." Darkness said.

"No! We will fight until our last breath ! For our family !" Fredbear said

"Yeah !" The others chorused.

"Then die !" Darkness said then he release a shock wave which made everybody collapse on the floor.

"What is this ? I can't move mybody." Springtrap said.

"Us too." Fredbear said.

"Stay there and i will deal with you later." Darkness said as he walk passed them. But two 2 people stand out and stop him. It's Nightmare and Wolfy.

"Nightmare , you too. Another traitor, But you 2 won't stand a chance against me. So die peacefully" Darkness said and fired a blast at them.

As the powerfull blast heading their way, Wolfy and Nightmare has a few thing to said to each other before they meet their end.

"Hey..." Nightmare said (Play the video here )

"What ? " Wolfy replied.

"You are not so bad of a girl. If we survive this or there is next life, i would totally date you." Nightmare said blushing a little. 

"You know what you too...If we survive or meet in next life, i would be your girlfriend" Wolfy said with a smile.

Nightmare then smiled back. For the first time in his life, he feel that himself is complete. And Wolfy and Nightmare closed their eyes and hold each other hand as the power blast approach. But at that moment a bright light filled the room. When they open their eyes, they saw they are in a field of flower outside somewhere where light is shinning to every conner of the horizon. And stand before them a human girl shinning with white auras,a warm protective caring aura.

"How troublesome ! You had been set freed. The Priestess carrying the holy blood, The Chosen One of Light, Angelina !" 


Welp , that it for this chapter. The result of the fight between Ignited and N.Springtrap, The end of the game, what happen after that will be reveal in the next chapter...


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