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(Y/N)’s POV

I sighed as I stared blankly at the coffee cup on my dining room table, watching the liquid settle. I had regained my breath after running back inside, trying to hide from the Rogue serpents.

I lean on my hand and pop my elbow on the table. Why couldn’t they be like the other serpentine? The ones that have surrendered and brought peace to Ninjago?

I shake my head slightly. It doesn’t matter now. The ninja will sort them out. I lift my head up and reach out to the hot cup of coffee, wrapping my hand around the cup and bringing it up to my mouth.

Before I have the chance to even take a simple sip from the cup, the sound off shattering glass is heard from upstairs, causing me to nearly jump out of my seat and spill the boiling hot drink on myself.

I shakily put the coffee down on the table and stand on my feet, hands shivering in fear of the unknown. What if it was intruding serpentine here to take me hostage?

“No, I need to be strong.” I mutter quietly before taking a shaky breath of air, one that could possibly be my last for all I know.

Biting my bottom lip, I slowly walk to my wooden stairs, careful not to make a sound just in case. As my foot makes contact with the old wood, I hear it creak against my weight making me cringe and glance up to the top of the stairs. Nothing yet…

I squeeze my (E/C) eyes shut before quickly and lightly running up the stairs, trying to not make much noise. The creaking of the wood wasn’t as loud, thankfully for me.

After opening my eyes, I release the tension in my stiff body. My eye scanned the hallway until I look through my open door to my bedroom. On the ground was one of the ninja, bruised and bloody.

“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!” I gasp out as I see his head lift barely up off the carpeted floor, his dark brown eyes half lidded.

I see him smile only slightly before his head went limp and he was out cold. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest at the thought of one of Ninjagos greatest heroes being found dead in my own room.  

I was quick to act and ran over to the unconscious boy, kneeling down to his side and flipping his body over so he was laying on his back. My eyes caught sight of shards of glass wedged into his leg, blood pooling underneath his body. It was a gruesome sight to see and I almost threw up right there.

Breathing quickly I look back to the ninjas face as my hand went to his neck, searching for a pulse or some kind. After a few moments, I was able to feel a soft pump of blood flowing through his veins.

“Oh thank the first spinjitzu master.” I breathe a sigh of relief, but I knew we weren’t in the clear yet. The black ninja still had quite a few major injuries that needed care.

The only question I had in my head at the moment though, was why his friends weren’t busting down my door yet to check on him.

With this in mind, I turn my head to my now shattered window and gaze outside. I watch as the small team of ninja gather the tied up serpents, talking to each other while glancing at my house every now and then.

Only a few moments after, they started to drag the snakes away from sight. Maybe they’re too busy looking after the serpentine

Heaving a sigh I looked back to my patient. “Looks like it’s just me and you Mr ninja.” I mutter before grabbing the man under the arms and pulling his unconscious body up to my bed.

“Time to get some tweezers…” I grumble and eye the pieces of glass in his legs.

Jay’s POV

After Cole was thrown by one of the serpentine, I was in shock and immobile. One: How were they able to throw Cole when he weighs like a sack of boulders? Two: Frick-

As I was about to run after my friend, a hand on my shoulder kept me in place. With my eyebrows furrowed, I turned my head to meet Kai’s gaze.

“He’ll be fine dude, don’t worry.” He tries to reassure but I still felt the need to check on him.

“What if he’s injured badly?” I ask Kai as I brush off his hand and turn my body towards him, my eyes glancing back and forth from Kai to the house holding Cole.

“Trust me, Okay? He’s been through worse.” Kai rolls his eyes before slinging his arm around my shoulders, pulling my body close to his side as he walks us towards the tied up ninja. “Besides, we really need to get these bozos to the police station.”

A sigh leaves my lips as I glance back to the house with the shattered window before looking forwards again. “Yeah… Yeah okay…”

I hope you’re okay Cole, you’re my best friend…

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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