Bad Day Burrito

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I jerk out of my daydream as I hear the door creak open and then slam. Jason's home.

"Luke?" He all but whimpers, this isn't good.

I race into the hall where he is stood on the brink of tears and engulf him in a massive hug, "bad day?" I ask, as if the answer isn't obvious.

"Come on then," I say softly as I guide him into the lounge and sit him on the sofa.

"Thanks," he mutters. He shouldn't have to thank me, any decent human would do the same.

"It's ok, hot chocolate?" I suggest, there's no point fighting him and he's freezing cold.


I gently wrap a big fluffy blanket around him, he looks so cute like a mini human burrito. I don't say that though, he would object to even the smallest hint of being cute.

Hot chocolate is almost ready and the smell is great. I pour it into two mugs because there was no way I was missing out on a hot chocolate party...

Carefully I walk back over with them and hand Jason a mug, he takes a sit and give me a small smile and thank you. That's a start.

"Am I good to sit here?" I ask him and gesture to the space behind him.

He gives a small nod so I climb in the corner of the sofa behind him after setting my hot chocolate down on the side table and pull him towards me. I grab another blanket and put it over the both of us, it was chilly after all.

We sit in perfect silence has we drink our hot chocolates, content with swimming in each others company, no words need to be spoken, he needs some gentle quiet time.

When we finish I take both mugs and put them on the table and pick up the book we've been reading.

"Throne of Glass?"

He slowly nods his head so I open the book, holding it in one hand to page turn and resting one hand in his hair.

I continue to read and play with his hair until he finally relaxes into me and I know he's fallen asleep.

I'd never be forgiven if I read ahead so I set the book down, curl up closer to him, and close my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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