In the army?

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M:Hey baby you must be a GENERAL because your making my PRIVATES stand up 

F:Hmm, Your still a MAJOR disappointment 


- I can make your wildest dreams come true. 

- I know. I had this nightmare some creep wouldn't leave me alone...


Guy: Do you wanna be the sun of my life? 

Girl: Ok sure 

Guy: Then go stand 13. billion miles away from me


C/N (Crazy's Note)

Third for today! Why am I doing this? Oh, right! Because I need to do the ded immediately.. Tsk tsk. Crazy author. By the way...... oh nothing. I forgot what to type, but I definitely had to say something here. I'll change it once I remember. 

Anyway! Who likes the new lengths? You people think I should make it longer? Or it's okay now and I'll just make longer versions on the 3rd book... (I wish... xD!)

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