The beginning

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...Picture above is Brooklyn...
You won't know me, but you will know me very soon, my brother and father would describe me as small but extremely dangerous and loyal but my brother would also describe me as annoying! My name is Brooklyn, I'm 19 years old and I have straight brown hair and grey eyes. My eyes are the one thing I got from my mother before she was killed, but let's get into that later. My eyes turn black when I get really angry.

My life is crazy. It all began when I was younger, my mother and father were more in love than a just married couple and they had been married for 20 years. My dad is the leader of the American mafia in New York called the hidden pack! You may be wondering why we are called the hidden pack, the reason for this is because we are no ordinary mafia we are in fact a wolf pack mafia. The only bad thing about this is that I'm the only girl ever since my mother died and i can't turn into a wolf but the boys can! ARGGG! It is so annoying but I still can turn into part wolf with canines and claws.

Now it's time to tell u what happened to my mother.
"Alright everyone listen up tonight will be dangerous, I need everyone on their A game. No matter what if all hell breaks loose at this shipment delivery you must all protect My daughter and wife! If the black panthers do attack they will go for my weaknesses!" Ordered the night howler
"But dad that's not fair." Protested Brooklyn
"Brooklyn dad has said that is what will happen and he is trying to protect you." Exclaimed Hunter
"But dad..."
Brooklyn was cut off by her mother
Brooklyn quieted down and accepted that she wasn't going to win this.
They set off for the docks and waited for the shipment to arrive! But as it did, something didn't feel right, Brooklyn told her father but it was too late the black panthers had started to attack! The night howler told Brooklyn to get her mother out of there quickly. Just as Brooklyn and her mother were leaving there was a loud gun shot! She looked to her mum and screamed. Her mother had been shot!! She panicked and pulled her gun and shot the black panther gang member right in the forehead then turned her focus back to her mother. She fell to the ground cradling her mother in her arms and she screamed for Hunter! He came sprinting over trying to stop the bleeding but it was too late she was gone.
Back to the present
I don't have long left at school, I mean I graduate in less than 2 months. But it is the most boring thing ever especially when Hunter is one of my teachers. He technically shouldn't be but he is undercover on my fathers orders.ARGGG! Any way school is actually ok because I only am in for half a day since I only take 2 subjects, so I am at school in the morning and training with the gang in the afternoon.
Lots of people would think I'm selfish that I'm the only girl in the gang and that I don't work as hard as the boys because they can't hit me but it is the total opposite. It's not my choice that I'm the only girl dad won't let anyone else into the gang and trust me when I say this that the boys do not go easy on me I have like 20 bruises. But my favourite person to spar with is Alex...

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