Living in Love

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     When I was younger my mother always told me I would find love in the most peculiar place. After my father passed away I couldn't imagine ever finding love. Why would I want to love someone with my entirety only for them to one day leave me. My mother took his death very hard. Close friends and family gathered to remember him and it was like she could no longer feel. He was the love of both mine and her life. Suppose you're only meant to have one love this way though. I often think that if I would have just done things a little differently he would still be here. But I know that's not true.

Once I had the chance to love and be loved unconditionally. However, I squandered it. This is not a story of romance and passion. This is a story about a girl and a guy whose love was simply meant for another time maybe even another world. I've come to realize that too much of anything can be harmful. I suppose something as strong as love can be twice as harmful as other things. I have also realized that loving something or someone is having the power to destroy them and for whatever reason choosing not to.

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