Chapter 1: the beginning of the end

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Jameson Monroe what's the sexiest boy at Bristol High . Girls went out of their way for him to notice them. They drooled all over their heart covered notebooks the minute they saw him walking down the hall. It was freshman year and everyone was waiting patiently in the auditorium for the first bell to ring. Just in case you're wondering, I can't stand most of these people so I will do the talking for most of this story. That ok? Thanks. Anywho, the girl next to me was named Sabrina Whetfilled & her family owned most of the damn town. However, she was the sweetest most down to earth girl in the whole school. Her sister Selena though was a nasty sophomore & I would have loved to punch her right in the nose. I kept my composure though. I was already on probation because well, I have bipolar disorder & I hate doctors which means no medicine. Take me or leave me.
      This high school was not very big, our town was not very big. There were maybe 2000 people in the whole town & most of them were all older. Oh this town has so many secrets it's unbelievable. One secret in particular that I had been trying to dig up was stuck on my mind that morning. You see the mayor, Andy Ferrel, had been married to my sister Addison but about 3 months ago they decided to file for divorce and Addison moved out of the whole damn state. Some people say it was cheating, some say gambling issues, some say the marriage was just a political move on Andy's part. I think they are still madly in love & Mrs. chesters has everything to do with their divorce. Mrs. Chesters is the town "witch". Everyone thinks she has potions & frog princes in her castle of an abode. Nah she's just an old lonely lady & she has nothing better to do than medel with the "young folks" lives.
     Mrs. Chester's has always been terribly jealous of my sister because she's well, absolutely stunning. She won miss coral falls all her life. Mrs. cheaters niece Fiona had been trying to win the damn pageant forever but she was just a bit weird if you ask me. Her speech always included something about how interesting Charles Manson or Jeffrey dahmer were. It didn't exactly steal the heart of the towns people.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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