Destiny doing its job

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"Just be awesome today?" She told herself a thousand times, like a mantra kind of thing. Jess was nervous, you know these feelings you get in the tip of your stomach, yeah? Well that's what she was feeling, she wasn't used to it, she thought she was going to throw up, she didn't know what to expect from it, she rubs her wet hand on her black dress, she looked at herself on more time, trying to see if her tight black dress and yellow blazer was appropriated, she waited a moment to see if some woman would pass her by and look at what they were wearing but none till that moment passed her by. So she took three deep breaths and start to walk toward the access turnstile.

Jessica graduated in Business and all, she had experience and all, but she never worked in an office before. She graduated from college in 2011 when she was 22, but she was working at a restaurant and made a good money, it paid for everything, her car, her house, and throw her college, so when she graduated she didn't quit, all the job offerings, the payment wasn't as good as the restaurant, so she stayed, only quit when she met David. When they were together she used her time to study and work here and there, a small project that she could work from home and get experience.

As she got there, the building was a factory, men everywhere, her boss meet her at the front gate, he was called to permit her entrance. So he starts showing her around. The first stop was to get her badge done, they took her picture and filled out her form. He showed her the canteen where they were gonna have lunch if they were there if they were to be out on a meeting, the company pays for lunch. She gets this credit card to buy stuff for clients and do everything to make them happy.

Then he showed their office, it was in the middle of the factory, surrounded by glasses, but it has these office curtains that could be close, there were down but it was open. It has 3 offices side by side, the one that was on the left has the curtains close, it was possible to see people in there but nothing more. Around the offices were all machines and factor parts, trucks going and coming. It was a mess, but it works, it was so loud, men talking loud, machine sounds, truck sound, it was crazy, they had to use epi for safety outside the offices.

In her office has 8 extra tables, she got table number 3, so it was in the second row since table 1 and 2 was side by side, only separated by a space so people could walk, they didn't have cubicles or walls, it was just the table, Notebook, and a lot of papers in every one of them, people on the phone, cell phone ringing, it was chaotic and she was loving it. James Valek, her boss introduced one by one, in front of her was Paul Baker and on his side, Cesar Harris, both Industrial Designer, created the tractors parts drawing, they design it, and then the production boys developed. On her side, it's Everton Betts was also a negotiator and behind her, Hoit Mitchel witch it was an international negotiator. Then her Boss, he was team coordinator, everything goes by him first, on his side Carl Allen, quality control, and the last table was empty. She noticed she was the only woman working there. Last but not least was a coffee table. "Please tell me you know how to make coffee? It's been 5 fucking long weeks since Dani left, her coffee was amazing, these guys don't know how to make a good coffee. I just can't take anymore." Paul Baker was it? that says that.
"Hey! Yours it's not good either. We like coffee not water with a coffee scent." The guy beside him spoke loudly. "And besides, you complain about Dani coffee all the time." Mr. Valek retorts. "Well, now I know her coffee its damn good."
Jess had a big smile on her face, 'Yep, definitely, it was a nice team. Everyone got along just fine.'

"Who's Dani?"

"The empty table belongs to Dani, Daniela Allen." Allen? Jess looked toward Carl with an eyebrow raised but didn't ask anything.
"She's my sister. If you wondering." Carl was really quick to explain. He didn't want Jess to think otherwise. She was the first girl to work there, in a long time, that wasn't related to the boss or himself.

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