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    "What? School? Already? Luke, she can barely look at a car, how is she going to travel in one to get to school?"

    Ashton's point was valid, Luke couldn't deny that, but she had to go to school. It was the law.

    "Maybe it's different with buses." Luke muttered, hopefully.

    "That's not how it works, Luke. There's no denying that what Elena has is PTSD from that crash, so even if we did manage to convince her to go to school, it would take weeks - weeks! - before she could even step into a vehicle, and even then, one of us would have to go with her!" Ashton's voice softened. "This isn't something that just goes away, Luke."

    Luke sighed. "I just- I don't know what to do." He ran a hand through his blonde hair. "She has to go to school, Ashton. Imma get in trouble if she doesn't go." Sitting down on the sofa, he sighed. "I can't do this, Ash."

"Yes, you can." Ashton looked Luke in the eyes. "It's not just you in this, Luke. You've got me and Michael and Calum. You've got a fucking dedicated girlfriend whose stuck by your side this entire time, even if she couldn't come because you said it would be better for Elena!" Ashton sat down next to his best friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you miss 'em, mate, but your not alone in this. You don't have to do this alone - we all wanna help you and Elena, you've just got to let us."

A sob slipped through Luke's lips, and his wall crumbled. Ashton wrapped an arm around his friend's - brother's - shoulder, pulling him towards him, allowing Luke to sob into his shoulder.

"I just- I just miss them so fucking much, Ashton. And I don't want to fuck up with Elena. I don't know what she needs. How am I supposed to parent her, Ash? How am I supposed to do this?"

"With us. Goddamn it, Luke, all you have to do is ask for help! That's what we're here for! And we all wanna do it!"

"I just don't wanna be a burden..." Luke's voice trailed away, muffled by Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton pulled away from their embrace, an appalled look on his face. "You're not a burden, Luke. Why'd you think that?"

"I-I dunno. Everything's been so much, I guess."

"We're here to help you." Ashton said, before pushing his friend off the sofa. "Now go get yourself cleaned up before Calum and Elena get back from wherever they went. Go! Go! Go!" He rushed his friend.

"Alright!" Luke laughed weakly as he left. "I'm going!"

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